Money Hack for things you already do. Get paid doing them How many times do you forward, share, post, repost, tweet or even retweet or pin something you have clicked on. 100 times a day or more. Why not cash in on the very thing you do all the time. sign up for a free account or Past the link you were sharing copy output link then go and do what it was you were doing. How often do you share files, folders, software, apps or family pics? Who you are sharing them with needs to click on something to get it. Upload files and other download material here and get paid every time someone sees that pic or downloads any content you pass along. Need more storage but you don't want to buy it Cloud storage account free + earn extra storage + 100TB cap. Better than a usb drive that you carry because it is already there when you get there. Or just clean up the PC and save room. Get cloud storage here Iphone owners can make money by clicking here Money for what you do every day!