Stage 1 Symbol Explanation ^ Start of string $ End of string . Any single character + One or more character \ Escape Special characters ? Zero or more characters Input exactly match with “abc” var A = /^abc$/; Input start with “abc” var B = /^abc/; Input end with “abc” var C = /abc$/; Input “abc” and one character allowed Eg. abcx var D = /^abc.$/; Input “abc” and more than one character allowed Eg. abcxy var E = /^abc.+$/; Input exactly match with “abc.def”, cause (.) escaped var F = /^abc\.def$/; Passes any characters followed or not by “abc” Eg. abcxyz12.... var G = /^abc.+?$/ Stage 2 Char Group Explanation [abc] Should match any single of character [^abc] Should not match any single character [a-zA-Z0-9] Characters range lowercase a-z, uppercase A-Z and numbers [a-z-._] Match against character range lowercase a-z and ._- special chats (.*?) Capture everything enclosed with brackets (com|info) Input should be “com” or “info” {2} Exactly two characters {2,3} Minimum 2 characters and Maximum 3 characters {2,} More than 2 characters Put together all in one URL validation. var URL = /^(http|https|ftp):\/\/(www+\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4})\/?/; URL.test(“”); // pass URL.test(“”); // pass URL.test(“”); // pass URL.test(“”); // pass Stage 3 Short Form Equivalent Explanation \d [0-9] Any numbers \D [^0-9] Any non-digits \w [a-zA-Z0-9_] Characters,numbers and underscore \W [^a-zA-Z0-9_] Except any characters, numbers and underscore \s - White space character \S - Non white space character var number = /^(\+\d{2,4})?\s?(\d{10})$/; // validating phone number number.test(1111111111); //pass number.test(+111111111111); //pass number.test(+11 1111111111); //pass number.test(11111111); //Fail