Sending Money From Limited PayPals By GTA V @ HF Hey guys. Here is an eBook I made on how to get money out from a limited PayPal account. It is quite easy, & works 95% of the time. ToS 1. No Leaking 2. No Refunds 3. Under no circumstances may you give the method to anyone else. Okay, lets get onto the method, shall we? First, head over to & set up a new account. Make sure it has the same last name of your limited PayPal, but a different first name. This is important. Now, head over to here: accounts Click on “Open A Student Account”, & fill in all of the details. Now, make sure that it has the same first & last name as the limited account. Once you have done that, ring PayPal. Make sure that you have all the information on your account in hand, as they will ask for it. Now, if you were limited for a verification problem, tell the operator that your son or daughter was limited because of a verification problem, & she didn't ring up because she was under the age of 18. Say that you are really sorry & it will not happen again. Now, say that you have created a student PayPal account for your child, & that you would like the money transferred from the limited PayPal, to the student account. They will ask for details on the limited account, & then they should transfer the money over to the new student account. Now, if the limited account was limited for a reason other than an identification problem, do the same steps as above, but when you ring PayPal, say that you were limited because you stayed signed in on the family computer, & then your little sister went on it. Say that it will not happen again. If they ask for your age, say that you are 16, but if they don't, say that you are 16 anyway. Now, say that you have set up a student PayPal account, & that you would like the money to be transferred to your new student account. They should ask for the details of the limited account & then send the money to your student account. If the operator does not send it to the student account, hang up & ring back. Chances are that you will get a new operator. Thanks for purchasing this eBook. If this is leaked, contact GTA V on Have a nice day.