Reconnect google home to wifi => But actually, this is a hidden security feature. I'm just hoping they have a fix that doesn't force a new setup. Can't blame them yet for an unknown root cause, but the support and info sharing are terrible. These include the Dot 1, the Echo 1 and Echo 2, Echo Spot, and the Tap. Once this is done, it will connect to that access point instead of acting as its own access point. Everything is working now that I've spent the entire evening doing hard resets and setting everything back up. Click the user name in the upper-right corner of the Chrome window. By having the Google Home, you're all in. To get the most out of it, you need a Google Play Music or Spotify premium account. It was perfect till now. Google indicated that this was not update related, which actually makes me more concerned. My Google Home won't connect to my college's wifi. Help! : googlehome - This issue is not update-related no updates were pushed today and is not only affecting Google Wifi. You need not completely erase your Amazon Echo settings in the Alexa app in order to reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. Armed with your tablet or phone with the Amazon Alexa app, reconnecting your Dot to a different WiFi network is a snap, as follows. The screen shots below were taken from an Apple iPad Air. But a similar Alexa app for Android is also available from the Google Play store. How to Reconnect Echo Dot to New WiFi Network 1. Connect your Echo Dot to Power If not already operating, plug your Alexa Dot into a power source. Run the Alexa App on your Mobile Device To get started, run this app on your tablet or phone. This gives access to your current Alexa devices and settings. The Alexa App Home screen then appears as pictured next. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. Amazon Alexa App, displaying its Home screen. Tap the Settings Menu Item On the Alexa App Home screen above, tap the Settings option, found in the black-background menu at left-screen. The Settings screen then reconnect google home to wifi as pictured next. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. Choose the Echo Dot Device to Reconnect Select the Echo device you wish to reconnect to WiFi, located under the Alexa Devices section on the screen above. The device configuration page for the Echo device you selected then appears, as pictured next. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. Alexa App Echo Device Configuration screen, with Update WiFi option circled. Next, tap the Update WiFi Item After pressing the Update WiFi option above, an illustration of the Dot displays next 2nd generation here and shows you where on the Echo Dot the action button is, as pictured next. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. Alexa App, displaying the Echo Dot Setup Screen, Press Action Button Illustration of where the Action button on the 2nd generation Dot is located on the device. This forces the Dot to enter WiFi setup mode. Follow the instructions in the Alexa app. We suggest that you not place the Dot into WiFi setup mode until the screen in step 6 is showing on your mobile device. If you put the Dot into setup mode first, and then advance the Alexa app to this point, sometimes this can confuse the app, and force you to set up the Dot as a completely new device. However, following the steps in this procedure eliminates the risk of this happening. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. Amazon Echo Dot Gen 2 in Setup Mode, showing Light Ring with orange blip circling. Press the Continue Button back in the Alexa App Once you see the light ring glowing orange, return to your mobile device and the Alexa app. There, press the blue continue button. The Connect to Echo Dot prompt screen then displays as follows. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. Amazon Alexa App, Prompting to Connect your tablet to Echo Dot. This minimizes the Alexa app. Then, find the Settings app and tap it. In our iPad Air, we find the Settings app on the second home page as shown below, although this app may be elsewhere on your device. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. Tap the WiFi Settings item This starts a scan for in-range WiFi networks by your tablet. We show next a partial list of networks that our iPad found. Note that it found the Amazon-E9W wireless network. If you still do not see it, reboot your Dot. Then, once the light ring goes out, repeat step 5 above. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. You need no password for this ad hoc network. Once connected, your WiFi settings screen should look something like the next picture. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. Go ahead and finish the setup in the Alexa app. Go back to the Alexa App Press the Home button on your mobile device to return to its Home page. Then, find the Alexa app. Ours is on Home Page 3, as shown below. Finally, reconnect google home to wifi the Alexa app. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. The following screen then appears, showing that the mobile device is reconnect google home to wifi connected to the Echo Dot. Amazon Alexa App, displaying the -Connected Echo Dot- screen. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. Press the Continue Button Press the blue Continue button on the screen pictured above. This initiates a scan by your Echo device, for available WiFi networks from its vantage point. Once the scan finishes, the Choose Your WiFi Network screen appears, as shown next, which displays a list of the in-range WiFi networks detected by your Dot during the scan. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. Amazon Alexa App, displaying the -Select Your WiFi Network- screen. Amazon Alexa App, prompting for WiFi password, and virtual keyboard displaying too. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. When finished, hide the keyboard. You should see the following screen, showing the password entered. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. Amazon Alexa App, displaying the WiFi Password Entry screen. Press the Continue Button Tapping the Continue button initiates attempts by your Dot speaker to connect to the wireless network you chose in step 13. During this connection process, the Preparing your Echo Dot screen appears, displaying an advancing progress bar, as shown next. Amazon Alexa App, displaying the -Preparing Your Echo Dot- screen. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. If all goes well, the Setup Complete screen appears, as pictured next. This means that your Dot has successfully connected to the new WiFi network you specified. It also means that Alexa was also able to reconnect with the Alexa servers at Amazon through that new WiFi connection as well. Amazon Alexa App, displaying the Setup Complete screen. Reconnect Echo Dot to new WiFi network. Press the Continue Button Tapping this button on your tablet takes you out of the Setup Complete screen and back to the Alexa App Home screen.