And by commercial music, I don't necessarily mean the stuff played on the radio, (although I can't speak so highly of that either.) I mean music on commercials. How many more times do I have to listen to "na na na"s in a pentatonic scale, or those stupid clapping hooks, and I swear if I hear one more uber-sentimental reversed echo piano ballad for a soap ad, I'm gonna flip. Commercials, and television in general has become too saturated with bs hipster poetry being sung on top of over-compressed guitar chords. Not to mention theres the chick that does these awful covers of classic Beatles songs that make it onto Target commercials. I swear, I'm never shopping and Target again because of that. And then there's dubstep. God, the dubstep. Has anyone else heard that irritating dubstep song that made it onto the Internet Explorer commercial? Are they that desperate for a userbase now?