Download Local leader fallout 4 perk guide >> local leader perk id local leader perk ps4 fallout 4 local leader perk explained fallout 4 local leader stores fallout 4 local leader worth it fallout 4 local leader not working fallout 4 local leader console command fallout 4 how to get local leader perk So, how do you link up your Fallout 4 settlements with supply lines? First you need to activate the Local Leader perk, which takes a Charisma of six to unlock. A guide to the Local Leader Perk in Fallout 4 and how you can make Supply Lines to Settlements and make your own stores. 17 Nov 2015 A Fallout 4 guide to getting rich, getting high, and blowing everything 6 Charisma is also the requirement for the local leader perk, so it's very 11 Nov 2015 Local Leader Perk? Charisma 6 needed, for rank 2 of the perk you'll need to be around level . You know you can scroll the perks list, right? 29 Nov 2015 Every guide and every forum post about the Local Leader perk says that it creates a "shared Fallout 3 and New Vegas Modding Guide. 16 Nov 2015 Local Leader is a perk in Fallout 4. It is now possible to assign settlers to create effects. Able to establish Supply lines between, and build stores in settlements Which perks to choose to build great settlements in Fallout 4. ?Charisma Perks for Settlement Building. There are two SPECIAL ??Local Leader Charisma 15 Nov 2015 It's a perk under charisma I think it needed 6 charisma. #4. Asimous type player.addperk 001d2468 that should give you local leader rank 2. 4 Dec 2015 Here's a guide on which perks matter the most in Fallout 4. Action Boy/Girl, Critical Banker A-: Armorer, Locksmith, Penetrator, Local Leader,,,,,