I have been in IT industry since 2003. And have seen so much scams that cannot explain in words. U tried everything to earn easy but steady income sitting at home. But unfortunately could not find anything legit. Except one website/company that I have been observing since 2007 which actually has been paying since then. I could find no complaints against them till now. Its name is Kolotibablo, you might have heard about them before. You might be thinking now, here comes an other affiliate of Captcha who is trying to entice people. But that is not the case. I know what it takes to solve 1000 Captchas and getting only $1.5 at max in return, and how it feels then. I just wanted to share the reality of the company, they offer NOT only Captcha, but Twitter Likes, Twitter Follows, Moderation, Translation, Machine Learning, Google ReCaptcha, Fun/Puzzle Images, Slider Images/Captcha. And if you really dedicatedly work for them around 6-8 hours a day, you end up earning somewhere around $300 to $350. On their ads, they claim earning $100 to $200. That too just for the new users who are too slow or work just very less often for them. That is the minimum they advertise. I believe you should give them a try at least once. Registration link: http://getcaptchajob.com/iq9jwnzb3r