Doctor Dukan's Diet Attention! In occasion of, whether this diet approaches or suits you, it is better to consult to the doctor! These recommendations (especially those given in the section "First phase: Attack" are intended for healthy people. The protein diet was developed by Pierre Ducant, a famous French nutritionist and is based on increased digestion of proteins, then the main products on the list are those that are high in protein and vegetables. Everything depends on what you want to achieve: just slightly adjust the figure and get rid of a couple or three extra pounds or take on a thorough, that is, constantly work on yourself, achieving significant results. 1. The phase of "attack" You can eat: beef, veal, white meat (chicken without skins, turkey), liver, kidneys, any fish, seafood, skim milk products and eggs. All this can be mixed together. Drink up to 2 liters of water daily. It is recommended to introduce oatmeal (2 tbsp) and wheat (1 tbsp) bran for normal operation of the intestine. At the first stage, the most active weight loss is observed. If the weight is less than 10 kg, the duration of the phase is 3 days; From 10 to 20 kg 3 to 5 days From 20 to 30 kg 5 to 7 days From 30 and more kg - 5 -10 days 2. The phase of "alternation" or cruise In the diet there are all the products allowed in the first stage plus raw or boiled vegetables in unlimited quantities: tomatoes, cucumbers, radish, spinach, asparagus, green beans, cabbage, celery, mushrooms, eggplant, courgettes, peppers, carrots and beets. The scheme is as follows: alternation of "protein" days with the days "proteins plus vegetables". You can alternate at will - 1/1, 2/2 (if you want to reset to less than 10 kg), 3/3 (10-20 kg), 5/5 (more than 20 kg). The interlacing scheme can be changed at any time. In this phase, it is permissible: -1 teaspoon of fat-free cocoa -1 tbsp. Spoon of starch -2 tbsp. Tablespoons soy cream -1 teaspoon cream 3-4% -2-3 drops of oil for frying -30 gm cheese less than 6% in dry weight -3 tbsp. Spoons of white or red wine -1 tbsp. Ketchup spoon From this list choose ONLY TWO ALLOWABLE PRODUCTS per DAY! 3. The phase of "consolidation" or consolidation. It's time to consolidate the result and return to normal nutrition. The main thing is to prevent the return of the lost weight. The duration of this phase directly depends on the number of kilos dropped. Each lost kilogram assumes 10 days of "fixing". During this phase, the following products are allowed: all that was allowed in the first stage, vegetables from the second stage, 1 serving of fruit per day (except bananas, cherries, grapes), 2 slices of bread per day, 40 grams of cheese, 2 servings of starch per week (Potatoes, pasta, rice, beans, peas, corn porridge). In addition, it is allowed 2 times a week (but not in a row 2 days), there is everything the soul desires, as Dukan calls it, "to arrange a festive feast." But not the whole day, but only one meal. 4. Stabilization of the result. Returns to the food that is familiar to us, but do not forget to arrange a day of pure proteins once a week. Three tablespoons of bran per day and a lot (1.5-2l) of water should become our irreplaceable helpers If there was a stall If, nevertheless, for some reason, you did not restrain and violated the program, do not despair, an emergency tactic is appointed: Four days in the Attack phase - only proteins Limit salt intake (to reduce the risk of water retention in the body) Increase water consumption to 2 liters per day Sleep more than usual Walk for an hour every day for these 4 days 4. The phase of "stabilization" The main task of this stage is weight stabilization. You return to a normal diet, but at the same time observe the following rules: The purpose of this stage is to stabilize the weight. During this phase, you eat normally, but observe 2 principles: - 1 day a week should be a day of pure proteins; - 3 tbsp bran oats per day; The duration of this stage: the whole life! Pros of the Ducane diet - The diet is not dangerous, since its basis is made up of natural products. The diet allows you to get rid of excess weight, even in cases where this is not the first diet and the body has already developed a stable response to different experiments. - quickly lose the first kilograms, which contributes to motivation. - not very aggressive diet, it fits even gourmets who like to cook and eat deliciously. - there is no restriction on the amount of food and time taken - The diet is simple, it can be followed everywhere: at home, at work, in a cafe. Minuses - the body produces ketone bodies, they suppress appetite, but can cause fatigue in the first few days - Deficiency of microelements and vitamins. It is recommended to take a complex of vitamins - deficiency of fats. It is recommended to add a little vegetable fat. - The diet can quickly get bored with those who do not like to cook.