God is love and we are never more like Him than when we are loving others. How do we love others? Love is a choice and scripture tells us in first Corinthians 13 that when we choose to be patient, kind, humble, and forgiving, we are choosing love. It tells us that love is not easily angered but love always hopes, always perseveres, and love never fails. When you think about what love is, do you ever find showing love difficult? Do you ever struggle with patience? Do you ever get easily angered? One time, they asked Jesus what the greatest command is. Jesus answered by saying, "To love God with all of your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself." This tells me that if we are having difficulty loving others, maybe we need to love ourselves more. Are you patient with yourself or do you get down on yourself when you fall short or make a mistake? Ultimately, loving ourselves begins by receiving God's love. We can't give something to others unless we have first received it. We can't love ourselves or love others without first filling up with God! Today I pray that you experience God's love in a fresh, new way. I pray that you understand the depth of His love and that it draw you to Him and refresh you! I pray that as you receive His love, that His love will flow through you so that you can refresh others everywhere you go! "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.' … 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these.