Low-Carbohydrate Diet: Effectiveness And Menus It's easy to guess that a low-carb diet is aimed at rejecting foods rich in carbohydrates. This is a whole science, developed by nutritionists, primarily for athletes. However, the fair sex can successfully apply it to weight loss, if you take into account all the recommendations of experts. We are used to the fact that the main enemy of harmony is fat. In large supermarkets, you can see whole stands with low-fat products. People who want to lose weight, buy meat and dairy food with low-fat content. But time has shown that this approach is not only not very effective, but also harmful. The fact is that fatty food is necessary for man - whether it is fats of vegetable or animal origin. Also, slimming people often pay attention to the caloric content of foods. And few people think that high-calorie content can be achieved by a different ratio of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. We all blame fat and calories. But most often in the appearance of excess weight, it is carbohydrates that are to blame. The Effectiveness Of A Low-Carb Diet The effectiveness of this system of nutrition has been repeatedly proven by athletes, including bodybuilders, who are very important to monitor their weight. To understand the wisdom of a low-carb diet, you need to understand how carbohydrates work in our body. Carbohydrates consist of sugar molecules and depending on how complex a carbohydrate has, it is called simple or complex. The chains of sugars enter the body and are carried by it with the hormone insulin. Excess sugars are deposited in the form of fats. Products consisting of simple carbohydrates (flour, sweets), quickly split and give the body a lot of energy. Therefore, the postponed fat becomes much. Complex carbohydrates (for example, foods rich in fiber, green vegetables) are broken down for a long time, the body expends a lot of energy, so fatty deposits result in less. What happens in the body of a lover of brioche and the sweet tooth? After each eaten loaf or chocolate bar insulin lays fat, the body receives a lot of energy. However, the energy level quickly decreases, the body again "asks for food." If you do not feed him at this moment, the deferred fats will begin to be split. But a rare person has good restraint, in our time people do not differ in a discipline. One more bug or chocolate is eaten. We get energy and fat deposits. Of course, not all carbohydrates are harmful. And no one rejects the benefits of a balanced diet. Moreover, it is also not recommended to completely exclude foods rich in simple carbohydrates from the diet. After all, this is the source of glucose, which is necessary for the whole organism and, in particular, for the brain. The total rejection of simple carbohydrates causes a decrease in blood glucose and insulin, which can lead to serious consequences. So, the main principle of a low-carb diet is a decrease in the intake of food rich in simple carbohydrates. Surprisingly, by giving up just a few products, you can achieve an amazing result. Approximately for half a year losing weight get rid of 15-20 kg of excess weight. Nutritionists are advised to combine such nutrition with physical loads and consumption of large amounts of water. The fact is that during such a diet the water leaves the body, thanks to which already in the first days you can lose 1-2 kilograms of excess weight. However, this "drying" of muscles is not so useful. Experts recommend drinking 2-3 liters of clean water a day. Of course, it is necessary to adhere to this rule within the limits of common sense. And people with kidney disease should first consult a doctor. A large amount of water flushes minerals out of the body, especially potassium stores. Therefore, during a diet, it is worth paying attention to food supplements and multivitamins. Indications And Contraindications To Low-Carbohydrate Diet Hearing about the effectiveness of a diet, those who want to lose weight quickly begin to experience a new food system. And make a big mistake. The fact is that the low-carbohydrate diet is not designed for everyone. Most of all, it suits athletes. If you do not exercise professionally, it is worth to enroll in the gym. The fact is that this method of losing weight leads to a decrease in the level of insulin in the blood, which in turn can lead to the destruction of muscle tissue, that is, muscle reduction. At the same time, fat tissues are much worse. Therefore, if you do not want to lose weight due to muscle mass, it is worth devoting some time to active training. You should not switch over to this power system quickly. Gradually reduce the number of foods rich in simple carbohydrates in the daily menu. This will help the body to rebuild, without experiencing much stress. And do not cut carbohydrate intake too much. This approach will make it possible to remain energetic and will not affect the intensity of the brain. Low-carbohydrate diet has several pitfalls and it is simply contraindicated for some people. Do not use it for children and adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers, people with kidney disease, liver, cardiovascular and digestive systems, diabetics. Also, do not test such a system of nutrition, if the body is weakened by illness or stress. At any doubts, it is better to address to the doctor. Changing the diet is not as harmless as it seems. Menu And Products Of Low-Carb Diets Low-carbohydrate diet has a lot of options. This is not so much a diet as a principle of nutrition. You just have to replace some dishes with others in your menu. From meat products, in the diet, you can leave lean beef and beef liver, poultry (quail, goose, duck, chicken and turkey meat), venison and rabbit meat. From fish products flounder, cod, catfish, halibut, trout, salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and tuna are suitable. All kinds of crustaceans and mollusks also will not damage the figure. But from dairy products will have to refuse or reduce their consumption in food to a minimum. Sometimes you can drink a bit of yogurt or eat a piece of cheese of hard varieties. But among the vegetables and greens, the choice is quite large. You can eat pumpkin, turnips, sauerkraut, fresh peas, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions in any form, broccoli, boiled beets, parsley, garlic, sorrel, asparagus, radish and much more. It is necessary to exclude potatoes and other vegetables rich in starchy substances from the diet. Despite the fact that they are rich in mainly complex carbohydrates, they also contribute to the deposition of fat. The same applies to any flour products and processed croup. Of course, to refuse from cereals is not worth it. But the usual porridge will have to be replaced with other dishes. For example, if you like rice, then it's worth replacing the white polished black wild rice. Buckwheat is better not to boil, but steamed with boiling water, leaving it for several hours under the lid. A wonderful dish, unfortunately, unpopular in our time, is sprouted wheat germ. Wheat grains can be found in specialized eco-shops or markets. But in the latter case, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the grain.