Hey so I know that this may be a hot topic for many but I want to share a personal experience with you. I am in the pre-stage of diabetes and -ill jump right into it, i've decided to try a few techniques with the hopes for a simple solution. To my surprise, there is one that is truly simple yet not easiest per say. Basically the effects of Diabetes can be significantly lowered and in some cases reversed entirely with the following. 1. Immediately stop eating all carbs!kind of.. sort of.. not really.. (whole grain is ok, natural low carb foods ok too) <- MUST LIMIT AMOUNTS 2. observe your cravings and supplement with low to no carb options (Meat good, potato bad, rice bad, quinoa good, riced cauliflower good) 3. Monitor your Sugar levels via device if applicable (during this transition, sweets are ok to eat but not the carbs ones. NO COOKIES ;( 4. Search natural low carb foods and you'll be surprised how limitless the options are. The sacrifice of just bread(includes pizza) and pasta alone will help lower the sugar levels. Credit is not to me, was a TED talk that does an amazing job going into the details