Turkey is in the present day Europe and partly in Asia. ■Apostle Paul was a citizen of Turkey because Tarsus exists in Turkey. ■Christianity existed in Turkey for about 1,023 years while Christianity has only existed in Nigeria and Ghana for 172yrs starting from when Rev. Birch Freeman came to Badagry in 1842. ■The seven churches Jesus spoke to in Revelations 2 & 3(Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea) existed in the old Turkey. ■Turkey once had the largest Christian auditorium in Europe called Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. ■Mary the mother of Jesus was taken to Turkey by Apostle John and till date, her room has become a tourist centre. TURKEY TODAY ■Present day Turkey now has 96% Muslims & 0.02% Christians(less than 130,000). ■The Hagia Sophia(once largest church in Europe) was taken over by Muslims and converted to a mosque for over 400 yrs and later used as an Islamic Museum.