My aunty has become the source of my weeping and sadness. As I type this, I just came back from work about one hour ago. I greeted her, no answer. My life story I'm a 29 years old single lady. My mum died when I was 13 and dad died when I was 18. I had just gained admission then, I had to drop out and re apply again after three years for a part time programme which I managed to finish. All this while, me and my two younger siblings had been distributed to different relatives. I was handed over to my aunt, my late mum's immediate younger sister and abandoned there by my uncles. All the while, I'm living with them, I am their house girl in return. I do all the house work including washing all the clothes of the family of seven. I also hawked plantain for my aunt in the mornings. did this for two years before I started doing waitress in evening at a bar and saved money to go back to school. l paid all my school fees from beginning till the end by myself installmentally because my guardian said no money. Thank God for the little tips I get at work aside salary. After I finished school, two years, I couldn't get a better job, I then enrolled for tailoring training while still working in the evenings. By now, it was hell at home, my aunt said I was a burden to her, I should get married and leave her house since I can't find a good job or rich boyfriend to support her well. That I suppose to be paying their house rent by now, mind you, I was already giving her more than half of my 20k for home keeping before month end. The rest I used to survive for the rest of the month. I forgot to add that she divorce her husband when i,was in final year. All through my life, I did not have serious boyfriend. If they want to get serious they will just stop communicating and end it. Till last two days I still dream of my self eating and seeing myself in my primary school. Since beginning of this year, she have been telling me to get pregnant for any man that show interest in me and move in with him. I have been lying to her that pregnancy refused to enter. She now introduce one of her ex husband's friend to me and said he likes me. He said I should date him and get pregnant for him that he is fertile and has two wives with 7 kids. The man too said he will rent apartment for me and establish a tailor shop for me if I get pregnant for him, a man of 57 years old. I told her I have never dated a married man all my life and can't do it. Now she has warned me since Thursday to leave her house this weekend or else she will throw my things outside. I have been begging her to give me some time but she did not agree. She doesn't go to church, I would have begged her pastor to beg her. Her only friend is just like her. She too was telling me to agree. Stella, right now I don't have any boyfriend, no friends to run to. My younger ones too are struggling to survive where they are. I had to delete my Facebook account when I was seeing my mates doing well in their jobs, getting married and having babies, invitation here and there. I finished my tailoring training, no money to buy tools even small sewing machine. I normally beg a neighbour to allow me use her own when I get clothes to sew My aunt demands money from me almost everyday and I try my best for peace to reign since I don't have where to go. I need bvs advise, should I agree to their arrangement and get pregnant for the man, after he give me money for business and house rent I should dump him and run and go and sort myself in another state. Or should I allow my aunt to throw me out and believe God for a miracle . I'm just confused Stella. Here is my picture for your eyes only so you will see I'm not bad looking. Is this how life is? Please I need your advice urgently, Sunday is the deadline she gave me. I have been sad and confused since