Two sisters gave birth on the same day even though they did not plan it. Jessica Lampert, 30, and her sister Kristin Cronin, 34, did not plan on getting pregnant together. “We knew we wanted our second children soon, but we weren't planning on getting pregnant together. I found out two weeks before my sister that I was pregnant,” Lampert told The sisters thought their children would be born two weeks apart until they both went to the doctor separately and were given the same due date - July 19. “We were laughing. It was just like we couldn’t believe it. It was not planned,” Lampert said. The sisters, who both have three-year-old children who are six months apart, said it was fun being able to enjoy their pregnancies together. “It was nice. Once we got further along, we scheduled our appointments and would go to dinner together,” Lampert said. In another twist of fate, the sisters found out their sister-in-law, who lives in Syracuse, was also pregnant with the same due date. All three ladies gave birth the same day. Lampert and Kronin, however, gave birth at Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center by C-section. The sisters shared the same doctor. Lampert gave birth to her second girl, Blake Lampert, while Kronin gave birth to her second boy, Justin Kronin. “Our first two are like brother and sister so they [the new babies] will definitely be super close. We see each other a lot.” The sisters plan to have a joint first birthday party for the babies.