Ego~ Many Lightworkers battle with Ego. We are taught that Ego has been left in charge too long and on a Spiritual Path that Ego must be dealt with. This is true but it is also important to realize that Ego is an important and necessary part of our personalities and character. There is a magic in finding the balance here. Although Ego should not be left in charge of everything it is an important and integral part of us. Sense of humor rides in on that Ego voice as well as the ability to relate to different types of people in social situations. Ego steps forward with Heart when we meet new people. Ego helps us to figure out where to start and what to say in this reality. Heart connects silently while Ego takes charge of the conversation. Ego helps us stand strong and hold true to what is right. Without a sense of Ego we would be docile even in situations that demand strength. Let Ego be on stand-by while Heart rules. Give Ego credit for the good that it does, thank Ego for taking a strong stance in difficult situations and for having such a great sense of humor. Letting Ego know it's place and honoring it as an important part of YOU brings Heart and Ego into Balance~ Cory Ann Cashman~Winged Scribe