Scrypt algorithm code was ported from CGMiner version 3.7.2. WHILE RUNNING: The following options are available while running with a single keypress: [U]SB management [P]ool management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [Q]uit U gives you: [S]ummary of device information [E]nable device [D]isable device [U]nplug to allow hotplug restart [R]eset device USB [L]ist all known devices [B]lacklist current device from current instance of cgminer [W]hitelist previously blacklisted device [H]otplug interval (0 to disable) P gives you: Current pool management strategy: Failover [F]ailover only disabled [A]dd pool [R]emove pool [D]isable pool [E]nable pool [C]hange management strategy [S]witch pool [I]nformation S gives you: [Q]ueue: 1 [S]cantime: 60 [E]xpiry: 120 [W]rite config file [C]gminer restart D gives you: [N]ormal [C]lear [S]ilent mode (disable all output) [D]ebug:off [P]er-device:off [Q]uiet:off [V]erbose:off [R]PC debug:off [W]orkTime details:off co[M]pact: off [T]oggle status switching:enabled [Z]ero statistics [L]og interval:5 Q quits the application. SOLO MINING Solo mining can be done efficiently as a single pool entry or a backup to any other pooled mining and it is recommended everyone have solo mining set up as their final backup in case all their other pools are DDoSed/down for the security of the network. To enable solo mining, one must be running a local bitcoind/bitcoin-qt or have one they have rpc access to. To do this, edit your bitcoind configuration file (bitcoin.conf) with the following extra lines, using your choice of username and password: rpcuser=username rpcpassword=password Restart bitcoind, then start cgminer, pointing to the bitcoind and choose a btc address with the following options, altering to suit their setup: cgminer -o http://localhost:8332 -u username -p password --btc-address xxx Note the http:// is mandatory for solo mining FAQ Q: Help, I've started cgminer and everything reads zero!? A: Welcome to bitcoin mining. Your computer by itself cannot mine bitcoin no matter how powerful it is. You have to purchase dedicated mining hardware called ASICs to plug into your computer. See Q regarding ASICs below. Q: Can I mine on servers from different networks (eg xxxcoin and bitcoin) at the same time? A: No, cgminer keeps a database of the block it's working on to ensure it does not work on stale blocks, and having different blocks from two networks would make it invalidate the work from each other. Q: Is this a virus? A: Cgminer is being packaged with other trojan scripts and some antivirus software is falsely accusing cgminer.exe as being the actual virus, rather than whatever it is being packaged with. If you installed cgminer yourself, then you do not have a virus on your computer. Complain to your antivirus software company. They seem to be flagging even source code now from cgminer as viruses, even though text source files can't do anything by themself. Available to Download here: