Pubg mobile update india => This will also help reduce the load on the processors as it has fewer players to render on the map. Players can arm themselves with weapons and protective gear they find near the opponents after killing them. Note that you can play on the new map starting tomorrow. Players can arm themselves with weapons and protective gear they find near the opponents after killing them. This will work like advantage and disadvantage for players because with the help of footprints on the snow you can track your opponent, but at the same time, there must be a possibility that you will be tracked by others. There will be new snow regions and mountains in Erangel map, something similar on the lines of the current autumn area, to add that bit of original touch to the game. Players can arm themselves with weapons and protective gear they find near the opponents after killing them. Furthermore, the update to the latest version is now rolling out. A new ground rule has been implemented for those who repeatedly leave the game just after joining it will now be blocked from finding the match for a while. With the map being smaller and players being able to confront one another much earlier in the game, the experience is expected to be as close as possible to the original mobile version. Several players have already witnessed the Easter Egg of the forthcoming Zombie Mode in the form of dead bodies lying at the seashore and blood stains on the floor and walls of houses in Erangel Map. The final stage is the Grand Finals on March 10. After servers were reported as down throughout yesterday, the game servers are now back online after completion of the maintenance exercise. The video posted by Youtubers claims that the new update might get the previously teased Zombie Mode, a new death cam mode that will allow players to see how they have died in the game. The video also claims that dynamic weather might get added to Erangel and Miramar maps that will allow it to rain during the gameplay. Vikendi is expected to be very different from the other three maps in the game, introducing an Arctic location covered in snow. PUBG Mobile update to version 0.10.0 now available bringing Vikendi snow map - And people have looked far and wide for to win that Chicken Dinner. Players are supposed to scavenge for weapons and defeat each player in a shrinking safe zone to win the elusive Chicken Dinner. And this update comes together with the next season for players who hold the Royale Pass, along with some updates in the general game-play as well. With season four, all players will now have to start from the bottom and build their way up to the top ranks. If you purchase the new Royale Pass, you will have access to new firearm skins or finishes, have a wider option to choose the face and hairstyle of your avatar and also have the chance to get rare outfits. As a Royale Pass holder, season 4 will also add more mission cards, with will be tougher. With Black Friday just around the corner, all Royale Pass members will have access to an event that will let you purchase various items at heavily discounted rates for three days. Brand new M762 Assault Rifle is about to dominate our battlegrounds in. It will have three firing modes i. It also comes with slots for a scope, a muzzle, pubg mobile update india grip and a magazine. A new Scooter A scooter that accommodates up to two players has been added to the map. As the name suggests, the map will switch between sun, rain and foggy pubg mobile update india randomly, making it more difficult for players to navigate their way through the game. Hardcore Mode A new feature comes in the Arcade mode with 0. What it basically does is, it removes the sound of footsteps or any audio cue of players who might be nearby. Now imagine playing at Pochinki without knowing somebody is waiting right outside your door to kill you. We advise that only pros at the game try their hand out at this one. Optimized Chat You might be familiar with the lag the game faces when you try to open a chat.