Residents of Bamburi Estate in Mombasa County were on Wednesday treated to drama when two people suspected to have stolen a car walked on the streets naked, with a snake dangling from the neck of one of them, while the other held a tablet. This is after the owner of the stolen car sought the intervention of a witch doctor leading to the two walking naked covered in mud. The incident caused traffic snarl-ups along the Mtambo Road with members of public taking photos of the suspects. The owner of the vehicle had reported the theft incident five days ago at Kiembene Police Station, and one of her friends asked her to seek an alternative intervention. The witch doctor demanded Sh100, 000 for the service and this bore fruit as the two men on Wednesday were seen dancing naked in the streets. The two men were taken to Bamburi Police Station after which the witch doctor requested to take them to her house for cleansing. She also asked anyone who had touched the vehicle to avail themselves for purging. The snake was later taken by the Kenya Wildlife Service personnel.