Alexa amazon laughing => Some users on and say the outbursts have been entirely spontaneous. Is your smart speaker going to murder you in your sleep? Angela has also written for The Northern Valley Suburbanite in New Jersey, The Dominion Post in West Virginia, and the Uniontown-Herald Standard in Pennsylvania. Chicago Mercantile Association: Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. I'm sure they used the same logic chip that's in the Furby. Factset: FactSet Research Systems Inc. Factset: FactSet Research Systems Inc. Amazon's voice assistant can play music, set timers, order a pizza, and send recordings of private conversations to random people in its users' contact list. Bezos is the owner of The Washington Post. While some people say Alexa is laughing without their prompting and without making a chiming noise first like she would typically do if activated, others say the personal assistant has laughed while being asked to turn off lights or turn itself off or when its physical volume buttons are pressed. It didn't chime as if we had accidentally triggered her to wake. While it's promising the company issued a fix, that probably isn't enough to comfort users who allegedly heard Alexa laughing without a sound or in the middle of the night. Amazon's Echo is emitting chilling laughter and refusing to do what is asked of it. Alexa Is Randomly Laughing, But Nobody's in on the Joke - But the chilling behaviour doesn't demonstrate that the machines are about to take over. Others have said that Alexa has laughed after being asked to turn on the lights — and may have misheard the command. Hey, Alexa, what exactly do you look like. Getty Images Does Alexa have something diabolical in store for her human owners. That might explain the eerie laughing she's been doing all by herself, with no bidding. Amazon confirmed on Wednesday that devices enabled with its smart assistant are emitting disturbing cackles. Alexa amazon laughing of the disquieting titters began surfacing recently on social media. Anybody else ever have that. It didn't chime as if we had accidentally triggered her to wake. We emailed back to ask if the company rep was actually a company rep and not Alexa posing as a rep to forward her evil plan. We haven't gotten a response yet -- unless it was that psychotic chortle we just heard coming from the other room. First published March 7, 1:30 p.