Shin Megami Tensei was recently finally given an English translation after having been released 22 years ago. Now that gamers are finally able to experience this classic, they may be struggling to make it through the game in an effective way. Shin Megami Tensei games have pretty much always been known for their difficulty, so this shouldn't be too much of a surprise. Even so, it can be extremely frustrating to have to fight a boss over and over with no chance at a win in sight. So let's go over an easy method to beat nearly every boss in the game. I have named this method the "electrocute method" due to the nature of how it is performed. First, in order to execute this method you must have a party member that can use any spell in the Zio line of spells. So this can be Zio, Mazio, Zionga, etc. It's probably better to have a human party member with this spell, but it can also be done with a demon if you're willing to work a bit harder. The reason for this is because with a human party member that member can level up on a consistent basis. This is huge in allowing you to be able to keep up with the growing power of bosses throughout the game. Demons don't level up, so their stats are static from the moment you get them. Because of this you may eventually find yourself unable to perform the electrocute method as the bosses get stronger. You can work around this by getting stronger demons, either through fusion or negotiation, but you'll have to make sure they still have a Zio spell, which isn't always easy to do. Now for the method itself. It's simple really. The key stat you are looking for in your party member is their agility. This should be as high as possible. It controls turn order during battle, so whoever has the highest agility will act first. Then just go into a battle and cast your Zio spell. Since that member should act first, or at least before the boss, the boss will be hit with the Zio spell and then also be electrocuted. This causes the boss to not be able to act for that turn, and then all you have to do is keep repeating this step until you beat the boss. In a lot of cases you can end up not even being touched by the boss. There are a few things to look out for with this strategy though. First, and probably most important, is that this method won't work on bosses that null lightning damage. That's the biggest weakness of this method. In such cases you may have to find another way to beat those particular bosses. Luckily there are very few bosses that actually null lightning, so you can generally be confident that it will work. The next thing is that you have to watch out for misses. If you miss with the Zio spell, then obviously the boss won't be electrocuted. In this case they will be able to act like normal and potentially cause your party harm. Sukukaja can be a great help in this case since it raises the accuracy of your attacks. The final thing to watch out for is your MP. If you use up all of your MP then you won't be able to cast the Zio spell, and this method becomes useless. For this reason try to make sure your party member that is executing this method has as high a maximum MP number as possible. This will help for situations where you may not be able to rest before a fight. That's it. Using this method you shouldn't have too much trouble with most bosses. For the bosses that null lightning you could try a variation of this strategy, which is instead of using a Zio spell you could use a Bufu spell. Instead of being electrocuted the boss would be frozen, which would have the same effect. This alternate solution is untested though, and may be hard to execute since then you would need two different party members able to use the different spells, since having both on one member is extremely unlikely. There's also the chance that the boss may null both lightning and ice attacks, in which case you would be back to square one again.