I can't even pretend to know how you and your family feel about this unfortunate event. I totally understand why you'll be selfish about this. It's a natural reaction to want to protect your brother even at the detriment of his wife, but that's why we are here. We need to open up your conscience to expose your bias, I'm sure you know once bias creeps in, rational and objective reasoning take flight. The express or implied matrimonial vow is "for better for worse, for richer or poorer, in SICKNESS or in health..." no? According to you, your brother loves her, love requires sacrifice. I smiled when I read how you tried to rationalise a divorce since the marriage was based on deceit. True, in law, concealing any serious illness like impotence, venereal disease(s) or mental illness, etc, is one of the grounds for the dissolution of a marriage. However, if the partner seeking the dissolution had acquiesced or condoned in any way, he or she can no longer stand on the ground of fraud or deceit to ask for the dissolution of that marriage. Your brother has been married to her for 6 years and the union has produced 3 adorable angels. You, yourself admitted that she has displayed some erratic behaviours but you guys assumed it was merely a character flaw. Living with a lady prone to violent outbursts, who has even threatened to kill your brother, yet he remained married to her. That's condoning, in law.Remaining married for 6 years in spite of the aforementioned issue, is called acquiescence in law. If your brother wants a divorce, he has to cite another ground, e.g adultery, desertion etc. Honey, she needs medical attention as well as divine intervention. Mental health issues like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, manic depression et al, can be managed with medication and counselling. It's sad how people react to mental illness out of ignorance, the patients need love and patience, not ostracism. She's the mother of your nieces/nephews and a wife to your brother. According to you, she has been a good wife loved by your family. You guys cannot kick her out at her most vulnerable state when she needs your help the most, she's family after all. Your family should get her institutionalised where she will be properly cared for and treated. She shouldn't be left with your brother and the kids because she's volatile in her present state and can even harm her own kids because she isn't in her right mind. With proper medication, mentally ill individuals can live a relatively normal life. I wish you guys the best. #e-bearhugs.