571 and the other on page 621. The attempt to save him was fruitless, and he turned in bitter tirade on Mrs. White and the prophetic gift. While such attacks, of course, did not deter the work of Seventh-day Adventists, it is clear that they were recognized as distracting elements that should be counteracted. It is not strange, then, that several vital articles touching on the prophetic gift were penned during this time. One of these forms the basis of the introduction to The Great Controversy, 1888, edition. Others are found in this volume. It was at this time, too, that Mrs. White gathered from all the published Testimonies that which she had written on the nature and influence of the Testimonies for the Church, and compiled them into a thirty-eight-page article found near the close of this volume. In the fall of 1888 an important General Conference session was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. At this meeting there came to those assembled a broader, fuller conception of the great truths of righteousness by faith. The failure of some to open their hearts to the light which was there caused to shine so brightly spurred Mrs. White to lead out in an encouragement to diligent Bible study and to break down the barriers to advancement in the perception of truth. At the General Conference session the next year, 1889, workers and laity alike reported in their social meetings that “the past year” had “been the best of their life; the light shining forth from the word of God has been clear and distinct—justification by faith, Christ our righteousness.... The universal testimony from those who have spoken has been that this message of light and truth which has come to our people is just the truth for this time and wherever they go among the churches, light and relief and the blessing of God are sure to come in.”—E.G. White ms. 10, 1889, quoted in The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, page 234. God’s message to his people 6 turned into a glorious victory the tide which threatened defeat. As the writing of this volume was being brought to a close, a crisis threatened in the United States in the form of a proposed national sunday law. In this connection there was brought before Mrs. White the views of the impending conflict and the issues which the church must meet as apostate Protestantism unites with Catholicism to enforce oppressive measures. The pathetic lethargy of those who understood the issues was clearly portrayed, and there was a call to action. In volume 5 there is a greater diversity of subjects than in any other of the nine volumes of the Testimonies. This was the last of the group of Testimony volumes to contain “personal testimonies” addressed to various individuals. A period of eleven years was to elapse before the issuance of Volume 6 of Testimony writings. This volume is of great value to the church today because of the practical nature of its timely warnings and counsels. Stressed all through it are solemn statements pointing out the nearness of the end and the preparation which is needed in the light of the impending conflict. Ministers are called to deeper consecration. Executives are admonished. Physicians are counseled. Teachers are warned against adopting worldly principles and are encouraged to guide their students into soul-winning services. Colporteur evangelists are urged to higher http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php standards of qualification. Parents are given instruction regarding home life and child training. Those with so-called new light, but with a message contrary to the fundamentals of doctrine, are reproved. The rank and file of the people are called to a revival and reformation. The instruction and warnings of this volume exerted a steadying, sobering influence upon Seventh-day Adventists as they