One day I saw AN FB message of her apologizing and I responded, wishing her well. Girl responded with several abuses and crowned her rant with telling me that just because I ducked her man blah blah, then reminded me that he'd chosen her over me, and that she was ready to fight for him. That conversation told me that she must have planned her pregnancy(she's a midwife, duh) and we're we friends I'd have told her that you don't fight over a man that's yours. I've never felt so much pain in my life, especially cos he was my best friend and what we share is real. He's the only one who knew of my rape. I terminated.. First time in my life, I was inexperienced about men. He still refused to stay away after all this. They were married on April 17(he was still with me on his wedding eve. No sex though).it was unbearable. Two days after his wedding, he came right back and broke his vows with me. I was vulnerable and even though I felt bad, I won't deny it felt good(sykes).. Fast forward to May, I was in his town for a seminar. Yes, we met up and hung out together but that was all. Somehow, turns out his wife is still stalking me(he doesn't stop calling, even when I block). In June she sends me a stinker reminding me that she got the ring, lol. I was so pained and furious, I prayed a violent prayer. Right now, they're separated and she's staying with her mum in same town I'm in while he's in Lagos. He came home in August and my place was his first point of call, luggage and all. He calls his marriage a mistake and keeps begging me for a second chance, even wants to ship her of to Australia so we can sort things out but God forbid that I be a party to that. His friends keep asking me if I jazzed him. I didn't. She keeps posting(yes me too dey stalk now). I still am head over heels despite all that happened, and he is even more. But once bitten, twice shy. I trusted him completely, still do(crazy, right?). She's due in a month or two and I wish her well in all, even though she wishes the woman her husband loves dead. She's 4years my senior and considering that I've never been sexually Immoral, I never thought that my prayer for true love would lead here. This is the story of my life, and poster(previous) you just set yourself up by abusing that girl and marrying him. Goodluck! for the few years they dated, she knew about me. Now while this matters not to me, It still marvels me how a lady would abuse and fight another lady she's never met, regardless. I can't deal. I blamed him, she blamed me!