She may be a world star tennis player but she's not very enlightened. What does a real woman even mean??? Lol, talent and skill does not translate to wisdom. A real woman she says?? So the last 35 years of her life she has been a fake, unlicensed, surreal woman?? What about the nuns and priests, what about those who have one inheritable genetic disorder or the other and have chosen not to reproduce biologically? What about couples who don't like children and both decide not to have any, what about those who got pregnant and aborted because they were not ready for children??? All the women in these categories are fake and unreal because they did not allow a head or leg come through their genitals or because they did not submit their uteruses to be used as ovens for baby baking. It's her personal opinion though but before forming an opinion, it is best to make sure your opinion is informed. Real woman my ass, long hiss!