To prevent spam and flood, the restrictions are imposed to the chat. To make it possible for you to write to the chat, your balance should be not less than 100$ or equivalent in the other currencies. How we count: 1 RUR -> 0.03 USD 1 EUR -> 1.2 USD 1 BTC -> price of pair BTC/USD 1 LTC -> price of pair LTC/USD 1 NMC -> price of pair NMC/USD 1 NVC -> price of pair NVC/USD 1 PPC -> price of pair PPC/BTC multiplied by price of pair BTC/USD 1 FTC -> price of pair FTC/BTC multiplied by price of pair BTC/USD 1 XPM -> price of pair XPM/BTC multiplied by price of pair BTC/USD Open orders are not considered. To be able to write to the chat, you should have not less than 100$ exactly in your balance. You may check how much USD do you have out here: