PSYCHOPATHOLOGICAL CASES 1. Stealing 2. Truancy 3. Disobedience and insubordination 4. Lying 5. Fighting 6. Cheating 7. Lateness 8. Rudeness 9. Destructiveness 10. Sex Offences 11. Cruelty 12. Smoking and drinking alcohol 13. Thumb sucking 14. Gloating 15. Nose picking 16. Nail biting 17. Lip sucking TRUANCY Truancy includes staying away, from school, loitering and wandering around for no justifiable reason. This leads to loosing valuable study time and may ultimately lead to failure. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE TRUANCY a. Dissatisfaction with school programme b. Indiscipline c. Poor school management d. Peer influence e. Teachers pressure f. Parental negligence g. Environmental factors h. Prolonged strike actions i. Lack of proper monitoring j. Poor and rigid relationship between teachers and student.