We know that the plant is located at the base of the food chain, they do not have a brain, do not know the feeling, could not move. It looks like they were born to respiratory and metabolic only. But if you feel a shock to hear, plants ... even know math? The research at the John Innes Centre in the city of Norwich, England have shown, trees hinted at a possibility ... the equation. We use this capability to calculate the reserve starch at night and adjust after receiving rations enough sun light. But all is done unconsciously, because plants do not have the control center is the brain like animals. And yet, the trees can communicate proactively their own way, which may be the vibration, rocking or by smell. For example, when cutting the grass, often fresh and warm smell, or odor of the grass there. It was the scent of plants used for help. Plants do not have nervous systems as other species, but they have a separate structure enough to feel the pain, from which emanates scents warn fellow neighbors. However, scientists have not explained why the plants have used this feature, because despite danger warnings to where ... we did not have the legs to run.