--Scrypt created by mcguyver37 (Elmo) -- 8.91% Chance Strategy -- Recommended Balance 0.01 BTC Bankroll -- Can Endure 70+ Losing Streaks at 0.001 to 0.01 BTC balance -- To endure 90 Losing Streaks, edit the betfactor =>> betfactor=0.000025 -- Donations Accepted, Send to = 33kx7iqfjSLuEAoW7EasLs83vontLmCvAE (BTC Address) -- 8.91% Chance Strategy chance = 8.91 -->> 8.91% Win Chance betfactor=0.00005 base=balance*betfactor -->> 50 Sats BB at 0.01 BTC Bankroll, Auto Adjust to Increasing Bankroll prebet = 0.00000001 multiplier=1.1111 -- >> 11.11% Increase on Lose target=0.00100000 -- <> nextbet = prebet losecount = 0 betcount = 0 bethigh=false wincount=0 highloss=0 totalloss=0 total=0 avehit=0 counter=0 b=0 low=0 high=0 --resetstats() resetseed() function dobet() if (lastBet.roll < chance) then low += 1 end if (lastBet.roll > (100 - chance)) then high += 1 end print(" ") print("Total Bet : "..betcount) print("Current Streak Loss : "..losecount) print("Highest Loss Streak : "..highloss) print("Number of Wins : "..wincount) print("Average Losses Before Win : "..string.format("%.2f",avehit)) print("Profit :"..string.format("%.8f",profit)) print(" ") print("Bet Amount :"..string.format("%.8f",nextbet)) print("Current Balance : "..string.format("%.8f",balance)) print("High :"..high.." / ".."Low :"..low) print(" ") if counter > 500 then resetseed() low=0 high=0 counter=0 else counter+=1 end if win then base=balance*betfactor nextbet = prebet wincount+=1 total+=1 totalloss+=losecount avehit=totalloss/total losecount = 0 betcount += 1 b+=1 if b>1 then bethigh=!bethigh b=0 end if profit>target then stop() print("TARGET REACHED!") end else losecount += 1 betcount += 1 nextbet = prebet end if losecount > highloss then highloss = losecount end if (losecount > 9) then nextbet = 0.00000002 end if (losecount > 13) then nextbet = balance*betfactor if nextbet<0.00000005 then nextbet=0.00000005 end end if (losecount > 14) then nextbet = previousbet*multiplier end end end end