Yesus is Isa (Arabic: عيسى, `Isa; Essa; about 1 - 32M) is an important prophet in Islam and is one of Ulul Azmi. In the Qur'an, he called Isa ibn Maryam or Isa al-Masih. He became a prophet in the year 29 AD and was assigned to preach to the Children of Israel in Palestine. His name is mentioned 25 times in the Koran. Stories about Jesus then continues with his appointment as a messenger of God, the rejection by the Children of Israel and ended with his appointment to heaven. Etymology Said Isa is estimated to come from the Aramaic, Eesho or Eesaa. Jesus Christ is the name commonly used by Christians to call, while Arab Christians call with Yasu 'al-Masih (Arabic: يسوع المسيح). Later, he is understood to have the title of God as Ruhollah and Kalimatullah. Because Jesus was created by God's words "Be!", Then created Isa, while the title Ruhollah means the spirit of God in him because he directly created by God breathed a soul into the womb Maryam bint Imran. Genealogy Qur'anic narratives about Jesus begin with the birth of Mary as the daughter of Imran, continues with the growth in the care of Zakariya and Yahya birth. Then the Qur'an tells the miracle birth of Jesus as the son of Maryam without a father. "(Remember) when the angel said: 'O Mary, seungguhnya God encouraging you (with the birth of a son who created) the sentence (that come) from Him, his name is the Messiah Jesus son of Mary, held in honor in this world and in the hereafter and including those brought near (unto Allah). (Al 'Imran: 45) " It is also claimed that during Jesus are in the world, she did not marry a woman because she was first appointed by God to heaven. However, there is a history that says that Jesus will be married to one of the ummah of Muhammad when he came down from the sky, this incident is told towards the end of the age. shape In the book is said to bring a physical form described by Muhammad Isa namely, her hair was torn in two, handsome face, white skin slightly reddish. Muhammad met with Jesus, when he was in Ascension to Sidrat al-Muntaha, the sky is referred to as Al-Maa'uun. [1] History Birth Muslims believe in the concept of the sanctity of Mary, who had been told throughout the several passages in the Qur'an. According to a story in the Qur'an, Mary always worship and has been visited by the angel Gabriel. Gabriel told Mary about to be given prospective son called Jesus, Mary was very surprised, because he had vowed to maintain her chastity to God and maintaining it and how well she can become pregnant without a man, and Gabriel soothing Mary and say that this case is an easy matter for Allah, who wanted to make him a sign for men and a mercy from him. Just as the concept of the creation of Adam without a mother and father. Their conversation is recorded in one surah in the Qur'an "Jibril said; "So". Your Lord says: "It is easy for Me; and so can we make him a sign for mankind and a mercy from Us, and it is a matter that has been decided". (Surah Maryam: 21) " "... Glory to Him. If He has set something, He just said to him: "Be", then so be it. (Maryam: 35) " Several other verses related to the birth of Christ, among others "The similitude (the creation of) Jesus with Allah, is as (the creation of) Adam. God created Adam from the earth, then God said to him, "Be" (a man), then so be him. (Ali Imran: 59) " "... And (remember) Maryam who had guarded her chastity We breathed into (the body) her Our Spirit and made her and her son a sign (power of God) which is great for the worlds (Al-Anbiya ': 21) " Having Jesus in the womb of Mary, he then retreated from her family to a place in the east. There she gave birth and resting near a palm trunk. Jesus then speaks ordered her out of the crib, to shake the tree to pick the fruits of the fallen, and also to eliminate the fear of their surroundings Maryam Maryam commit adultery, then she pointed to her newborn, then Jesus replied "I am the servant of God, He gave me the Bible (the Gospel) and made me a prophet; and made me a blessed wherever I am and He commanded me (setting up) prayers and (perform) zakat as long as I live; and dutiful to my mother, and He does not make me a snob again woe .. (Maryam: 30-32) " References in another hadith is: "When any human being is born. Satan touches a baby on both sides of the body with two fingers, except Jesus, son of Mary, Satan tried to touch but failed, because he only touched the placenta alone." [2] According to al-Tabari, it is because the prayer of Mary: "I seek refuge in You, for him and his offspring from Satan the accursed." The mission as a prophet According to Islamic texts, Jesus was sent to the Children of Israel, to teach about the One God and save them from straying. Muslims believe Jesus was foretold in the Torah, confirmed the teachings of previous prophets. Isa is described also in the teachings of Islam, have miracles as proof of his Prophethood, such as speaking as a baby in the contest, to give life / lives in birds made of clay, healing the leper, healed the blind, raising the dead and asked for food from heaven upon the request of his students. Several stories mentioned that Yahya ibn Zakariyya [3] never met Jesus in the Jordan River, when John went to Palestine. Some verses from the Qur'an which confirms the prophecy of Jesus, among others: "Said Jesus:" I am the servant of God, He gave me the Bible (the Bible) and made me a prophet, and He has made me blessed wheresoever I be, and hath enjoined on me (setting up) prayers and (perform) charity as long as I live, and dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me insolent, unblessed, and peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die and the day I am raised alive. " Such was Jesus, son of Mary, the saying is true, that they dispute about the truth. Not worthy of God had a son, Glory be to Him. When He determines a matter, He only says to it: "Be", then so be it. (Maryam: 30-35) " "... And when Jesus came with Clear Signs, he said:" I have come to you with wisdom and to clarify to you some of what you differ, so fear Allah and obey me (to) me. " Verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore serve Him, this is the right path. He disagreed with the groups (that is) between them, then woe to those who have wronged from the punishment of a painful day (of doom). (Az Zukhruf: 63-65) " "Christ the son of Mary, was only a Messenger has indeed passed away before him, and his mother was a truthful, both used to eat food. Note how we explain to them (the Book) signs (We), and see how they turn away (from Our revelations attention it). (Al Maa'idah: 75) " "... And (remember) when Allah said:" O Jesus, son of Mary, did you ever say to mankind: 'Worship me and my mother for two gods beside Allah? ". He said:" Glory to Thee! Never could I say what no right (to say). If I had said it, You would know what is in my heart and I do not know what is in Thine. You are the Knower of things unseen. "I never said to them except what You commanded me (saying):" Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord '; and I was a witness against them, as long as I was in between them. and when you call me, you are the one who watched them, and thou art Witness over all things. (Al Maa'idah: 116-117) " Jesus and the Holy Spirit The main article for this section are: Miracles of Jesus Qur'an also tells about Jesus are given power by God with holy spirit. "Messengers, We have preferred some (of) them above others. Among them Allah spoke (directly with him) and others He raised to degrees, and We gave Jesus, son of Mary, the miracle, and strengthened him with the holy spirit, and if Allah willed, He would not have fought against one person- people (who came) after them, after that they come to some kind of evidence, but they disagreed, it is between those who believe, and (also) among those who reject faith. Had Allah willed, they would not have fought each other. But Allah does what He wills. (Al-Baqarah: 253) " "(Remember) when Allah said:" O Jesus, son of Mary, remember My blessing to you and to your mother when I reinforced you with Recount. You can talk to people in the time still in childhood and in adulthood; and (remember) when I taught you the Book and wisdom, the Torah and the gospel, and (remember anyway) at a time when you build from the ground (a) in the form of a bird by My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird (actually) with My permission, and (remember) when you heal the blind from the womb and the leper by My permission, and (remember) when you remove the dead from the grave (to life) with my permission, and (remember) when I restrained the children of Israel (of their desire to kill you) when you submit to their explanations are real, and the unbelievers among them said: "This is nothing but plain magic". (Al Ma'ida: 110) " Jesus was not killed or crucified The Qur'an in Surat an-Nisa ': 157 that Jesus was not killed or crucified by the pagans. As they cross is the one who shapes and apparently likened by God like Jesus. [5] "... And because of their saying:" We killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah ", but they killed him not (also) crucified him, but (they kill is) one that was likened to 'Isa for them , Those who disagree about the (murder) 'Isa, is really in doubt about who killed it. They do not have confidence about who killed it, except the following conjecture, they do not (also) believe that they killed it was' Isa. (An-Nisa ': 157) " Jesus was raised to heaven Muslims deny the crucifixion and death of Jesus upon the hands of his enemies. The Qur'an describes the Jews find and kill Jesus, but they did not succeed in killing and crucifixion. Jesus was saved by God in a way taken up into the sky and placed somewhere that only God knows about it. The Qur'an describes this saving event. "But (the fact), God has raised him up to Himself; and Allah is Mighty, Wise. (An-Nisa ': 158) " Forecast and mission of Jesus in the end times. Back down to earth From the description of Muhammad's hadith is narrated that before the Day of Judgment / end times Jesus will be revealed by God from heaven to earth. [6] The incident illustrated the following hadith: "There is no prophet between me and Jesus was and indeed it's really going down (from heaven), when you have seen it, then know; that it is a man's body is being boned, skinned reddish white. It will be down to wear two layers of clothing are dyed with red, his head as if tears waulupun it does not get wet. "[7] "A group of my ummah will continue fighting for the truth openly until the Day of Judgment, so that Isa bin Maryam came down, then said their leader (Al Mahdi):" Come and imamilah our prayers ". He replied: "No, actually most of you are as a leader of others, as the glory that God has given this ummah (Muslims)." [8] "Suddenly he was between them and dikumandangkanlah prayer, then say to him, went out to you (to become a priest prayer), O spirit of Allah." He said, "Let the person who developed it your leader and let him lead the prayers you". [ 8] According to Islam, the first thing you do after coming down from heaven, Jesus is praying reap as defined by the hadiths above. Jesus will be the congregation in prayer that the imamate of Imam Mahdi. The location of the decline is explained by Muhammad Isa in the following hadith: "Jesus son of Mary will descend on the 'White Tower' (Al Mannaratul Baidha ') in the east of Damascus." [9] The coming of Jesus will be preceded by the conditions of a world filled with injustice, misery and great wars involving the whole population of the world, after the appearance of Imam Mahdi who will save the Muslims, then the appearance of the Dajjal who will try to kill the Imam Mahdi, the Dajjal spread defamation for 40 days, then Jesus will be revealed from heaven to destroy antichrist. kill the antichrist The main article for this section are: Antichrist The revelation of Jesus to earth on a mission to save humanity from the persecution of the Antichrist and clean up all the irregularities of religion, it will work with Imam Mahdi eradicate all the enemies of God. Narrated after he finished his prayer, he said: "Get out (the Muslims) all with us to face the enemy of God, the Antichrist." Then they came out, then he (Jesus) is seen by the dajjal recently claimed to man, that it is the king who guided and leader of genius and wise, even claiming to be God Most High. Once he sees the Dajjal, Dajjal shall melt like salt melting in water. Then Dajjal escape, but it was intercepted by Jesus at the door of Lud in Palestine. Should he just let it then Antichrist will be destroyed like salt in water, but Jesus said to him: "I reserve the right to discipline you with one blow." Then he speared and killed him, then he showed to everyone dajjal blood on his spear. He knew and realized the followers of Dajjal among the Jews that Antichrist is not God. If it is true what the accused Dajjal (Antichrist claiming to be gods), behold Dajjal will not be killed by Jesus. Destroy Gog and Magog The main article for this section are: Gog and Magog One of the major tasks he once killed Dajjal is to save mankind from oppression Gog and Magog. [10] Narrated, slander and evil they (Gog and Magog) are very large and comprehensive, not one of mankind can overcome them, their number is very much so the Muslims will light a fire for 7 years to seek refuge from their attack, the archers and their armor. [11] And when they were come out (of the copper wall that surround them since the time of King Zulkarnain) He said to Jesus, son of Mary: "Behold, I have released slaves (Gog and Magog) were not able to be fought by anyone, then you must isolate slaves to Tur (Mount Sinai) " Thur beleaguered Nabiallah in Jesus and his companions, so that the price of a head of cattle more expensive than 100 dinars you Nabiyullah ini.Kemudian day Jesus and his companions, want it, then they do not find sejengkalpun of the earth's land unless it is filled by rancidity and foul them. Then he and his companion asked the spaciousness of God, God sent a bird that will take them then reduce them in accordance with the will of God, then God sends down rain that leaves no one flies from the city or in the village, he soaks the earth so that it becomes as well full. "[12] Terrible persecution of Gog and Magog is described in a hadith of the prophet as follows: Gog and Majjuj wall will open, then they will attack all mankind, as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala: "... And they all go down quickly from high places. (Al-Anbiya '21:96) " They will attack humans, while Muslims will run out of their towns and their fortresses, then they take cattle with them. While they (Gog and Magog) drank all the water on earth, so that when they pass through a part of the river, the water they drink the river dry up and when others of their passing the river is dried up, they said: "it used to be here was no water," and when there is no more human remains but one man in a city or fortress, then said one of them: "those inhabitants of the earth have we finish, it is left with the inhabitants of the heavens" , then one of them threw his spear into the sky, and the spear back with bloodstained which shows an army and slander. But when they are eager to do so, Allah Almighty sent a worm to worm their shoulders like locusts out of the back of his neck, then in the morning they were already dead and can not hear a nafaspun. After that the Muslims say: "Is there a man who would sell himself for our suicide) to see what is being done by our enemies?" went out one of them with feelings (consider) that he was dead, then he discovered that they had all died in some of them above others (coincide), then the man exclaims: "O all Muslims rejoiced you Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala alone have destroyed your enemies ", they came out of the cities and fortresses and release their animals to pastures and meadows are filled with meat cattle, then all those fat dairy cattle (full) as the best tree buds were never cut. "[13] Being the leader of a fair According to a history, Jesus will descend from heaven after living on earth for 40 years until his death. It will lead to full justice, as described in the following hadith: "For the sake of myself in the hands of his, that Ibn Maryam almost falls in the midst of you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill swine, refused tribute, bestowed a treasure that no one would accept the grant and up to one bowed better than the world and everything in it. "[14] Pilgrimage Narrated in a hadith that Jesus will perform hajj. "By the One who is and she had me, that Ibn Maryam will say pre foot to perform the Hajj or Umrah or both simultaneously." [15] Jesus died After he became the leader of a fair in the end times, God will mewafatkan him. Only God knows when and where he will diwafatkan. After the death of Jesus Christ, then the world will experience a resurrection. Al-Hawariyyun (Followers) In preaching, Jesus, accompanied by his followers called al-Hawariyyun, numbering 12 people, according to the number of quarters (sibith) Children of Israel, so that each apostle was commissioned to deliver the message of the Gospel for each quarter of the Children of Israel. But the names of the apostles are not mentioned in the Quran. The story of the Companions of Jesus is found in Al-Ma'idah: 111-115 and letter Ali Imran: 52. In the letter narrated that al-Hawariyyun ask Jesus to bring down food from heaven. The name of the Al-Maidah which means the food is taken because it contains this story. Gen. food falling from the sky increases the thickness of the faith of the followers of Jesus Basic beliefs of Islam about Jesus The main article for this section are: The Islamic view of Jesus Jesus is mentioned by many names in the Al-Quran. The most common term is "Isa ibn Maryam" (Jesus son of Mary), sometimes preceded with another title. Jesus also claimed to be a prophet and messenger (messenger) of God. Wadjih terms ( "ought to be rewarded in this world and the next"), Mubarak ( "blessed" or "source of benefit for others"), `abd-Allah (God's servant) is all that is used in the Qur'an in the name / nickname to Jesus. Another name that is frequently mentioned is Christ, which translates to "Messiah". Islam considers all prophets, including Jesus, as a human being and without sharing in the Godhead, so that is not the same with the Christian concept of the Messiah. Muslim use of the word is explained in the Qur'an as referring to Jesus, such as the status of an anointed one, and is a form of praise, with miracles among others, were able to heal the sick and cure the blind man. Qur'an also uses the term kalimatullah (which means "word of God") as a description of Jesus, who acknowledges himself as a messenger of God, and speak on behalf of God. theology Islam considers Jesus only as a messenger of God. Beliefs that consider Jesus as God or the Son of God, according to Islam is shirk (associating the creature with God), and is thus considered as a rejection of the concept of the oneness of God (tawhid). Islam sees Jesus as a human being who taught that salvation comes through people's obedience to the will of God and the only way to worship God alone. Thus, in Islam Jesus is considered as a Muslim, as well as all the prophets of Islam. Islam thus reject the Christian concept of the Trinity of the Godhead, as does the concept of Jesus' deity. Preceded by Muhammad Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet Mohammad's predecessor, and said that after it will appear a final prophet, as the cover of the prophet messenger of God. It is based on the verse in the Quran, where Jesus said about a messenger who will come after him, named Ahmad. Ahmad associate Islam as Muhammad. Muslims also found evidence he was informed about the presence of a prophet in his last there. An argument of Muslim scholars [16] states that the Greek word parakletos, which means "comforter" foretold the coming of the Gospel of John, in fact Periclytos word, which means "illustrious, noble, admirable". The last word in the Arabic language is considered as Ahmad or Muhammad, reinforced with a proposition of the Qur'an, which reads: "... And (remember) when Jesus, son of Mary, said:" O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming before me, namely the Torah, and bringing good tidings of (the coming of) a Messenger to come after me, whose name Ahmad (Muhammad) ". But when he came to them with clear proofs, they said: "This is plain magic". (A-Shaf 61: 6).