The philosophical tall soldier measured a sandwich of cracker and pork and swallowed it in a nonchalant manner. "Oh, I suppose we must go reconnoitering around the country jest to keep 'em from getting too close, or to develop 'em, or something." "Huh!" said the loud soldier. "Well," cried the youth, still fidgeting, "I'd rather do anything 'most than go tramping 'round the country all day doing no good to nobody and jest tiring ourselves out." "So would I," said the loud soldier. "It ain't right. I tell you if anybody with any sense was a-runnin' this army it--" "Oh, shut up!" roared the tall private. "You little fool. You little damn' cuss. You ain't had that there coat and them pants on for six months, and yet you talk as if--" "Well, I wanta do some fighting anyway," interrupted the other. "I didn't come here to walk. I could 'ave walked to home - 'round an' 'round the barn, if I jest wanted to walk." The tall one, red-faced, swallowed another sandwich as if taking poison in despair. But gradually, as he chewed, his face became again quiet and contented. He could not rage in fierce argument in the presence of such sandwiches. During his meals he always wore an air of blissful contemplation of the food he had swallowed. His spirit seemed then to be communing with the viands.