Market anything on facebook with this script This Imacro Script will help you to invite people to you group by email in bulk. 1. Save in your "C:\Users\mel\Documents\iMacros\Datasources" a file "email.csv" with emails you want, like: email1 email2 email3 2. Copy this to your imacro and save like "facebookinvite.iim": VERSION BUILD=8820413 RECORDER=FX TAB T=1 SET !DATASOURCE email.csv SET !DATASOURCE_COLUMNS 1 SET !LOOP 1 SET !DATASOURCE_LINE {{!LOOP}} URL GOTO= YOUR GROUP LINK HERE WAIT SECONDS=2 TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:Invitebyemail TAG POS=4 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:/ajax/groups/members/add_post.php?source=dialog_typeahead&group_id=YOUR ID GROUP HERE&refresh=1 ATTR=* CONTENT={{!COL1}} TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON FORM=ACTION:/ajax/groups/members/add_post.php?source=dialog_typeahead&group_id=YOUR ID GROUP HERE&refresh=1 ATTR=TXT:Invite TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=TXTone SET !ERRORIGNORE NO SET !TIMEOUT_STEP 6 WAIT SECONDS=1 YOUR GROUP LINK HERE: Paste your group url YOUR ID GROUP HERE: Paste your group ID 3. Use the "Play(Loop)" but first set the "Max:" with the number of emails you have in your csv file. Now you can invite a lot of people to you facebook group!