Bitcoin started the market before March 4, 000 dollars, bitcoin was trading at a level earlier this week, but the lowest level of pressure came down on Saturday, last weekend September 22, for a weekly weekend weekend at a price of $ 3,555. However, after reaching that score, the curriculum was withdrawn and once the charts resumed the scale again. Bitcoin had to climb $ 4,000 Wednesday morning, its current value was $ 4,074. It has been translated into a market cap of $ 67 billion. One of the factors influencing the continuous invasion of bitcoin, is the continuous development of Asian intelligence after the Chinese Treasury of Order Book Exchange. Both South Korea and Japan expect to fill the vacancies purchased by Chinese Bitcoin exchange gates, such as the OKCoin, Huobi, and BTCC.. For this, a well-known Korean messaging platform has announced plans to build a large cryptoncurrency exchange, A Korean holding company for NXC-10 billion dollar Japanese sports firm, Nexus bought Korea's second largest bidorein exchange in Korbat