hap. 9 - Early Ministry From the wilderness, Christ returned to the Jordan, where John the Baptist was preaching. At that time men sent by the rulers at Jerusalem were questioning John as to his authority for teaching and baptizing the people. They asked if he was the Messiah, or Elijah, or “that prophet,” meaning Moses. To all this he answered, “I am not.” Then they asked: “Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. “He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.” John 1:22, 23. In old times when a king had to travel from one part of his country to another, men were sent ahead of his chariot to prepare the roads. They had to cut down trees, gather out the stones, and fill up the hollows, so that the way would be clear for the king. So when Jesus, the heavenly King, was coming, John the 49 Baptist was sent to prepare the way by telling the people, and calling on them to repent of their sins. As John answered the messengers from Jerusalem, he saw Jesus standing on the riverbank. His face lighted up, and stretching out his hands, he said: “There standeth One among you, whom ye know not; He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe’s latchet I am not worthy to unloose.” John 1:26, 27. The people were greatly moved. The Messiah was among them! They looked about eagerly to find the One of whom John had spoken. But Jesus had mingled with the multitude, and was lost to sight. The next day John again saw Jesus, and, pointing to Him, cried: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!” Then John told of the sign that had been seen at Christ’s baptism. “I saw, and bare record,” he added, “that this is the Son of God.” John 1:29, 34. With awe and wonder the hearers looked upon Jesus. They questioned with themselves, Is this the Christ? They saw that Jesus bore no tokens of worldly wealth or greatness. His clothing was plain and simple, such as poor people wore. But in His pale, worn face was something that moved their hearts. In that face they read dignity and power; and every glance of the eye, every feature of the countenance, spoke of divine compassion and unutterable love. But the messengers from Jerusalem were not drawn to the Saviour. John had not said that which they desired to hear. They expected the Messiah to come as a great conqueror. 50 They saw that this was not the mission of Jesus, and in disappointment they turned from Him. The next day John again saw Jesus, and again he cried, “Behold the Lamb of God!” John 1:36. Two of John’s disciples were standing near, and they followed Jesus. They listened to His teaching, and became His disciples. One of the two was Andrew, the other John. Andrew soon brought to Jesus his own brother, Simon, whom Christ named Peter. The next day, on the way to Galilee, Christ called another disciple, Philip. As soon as Philip found the Saviour, he brought his friend Nathaniel. In this way Christ’s great work on earth was begun. One by one He called His disciples, and one brought his brother, another his friend. This is what every follower of Christ is to do. As soon as he himself knows Jesus, he is to tell others what a precious Friend he has found. This is a work that all can do, whether they are young or old. At Cana in Galilee, Christ, with his disciples, attended a marriage feast. For the happiness of this household gathering, His wonderful power was put forth. It was the custom in that country to use wine on such occasions. Before the feast was ended, the supply of wine had failed. The lack of wine at a feast would be thought to show a want of hospitality, and this was regarded as a great disgrace. Christ was told of what had happened, and He bade the servants http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php fill six large stone jars with water. Then He said, “Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast.” John 2:8. Instead of water, there came forth wine. Th