The Global Consciousness App ( join the app waitlist here: ) 'Entangled' is a free mobile app designed to be a fun exploration of the nature of consciousness and reality, and the possibilities of creating a new consciousness technology. Entangled is a collaboration with the Global Consciousness Project, with additional support from IONS, PEAR, and Superfuture Labs. For several decades, labs like Princeton University's PEAR lab and the Institute of Noetic Sciences have been exploring how human minds can have an unexplained influence on chaotic systems, such as devices called physical random number generators (RNGs). How this influence works is still a mystery, but it suggests that consciousness is more deeply connected to the fabric of reality than previously thought. New theories of consciousness are emerging that may help us to understand this mystery, and recently over 80 scientists (including a Nobel prize winner) called for more research into the field. Entangled is the result of 3 years of R&D. When downloaded, the app converts hardware functions on your phone into a physical random number generator. This is what creates the chaotic system that may allow the influence of your mind to show up on your phone. This data is uploaded anonymously to our servers, where we can create a living network of global consciousness information in real-time. With this app, you can: See if your mind has any influence on your physical environment Participate in large-scale consciousness experiments Help build a platform for developers and artists utilize this "consciousness technology" in their own projects, and even tap in to global consciousness data in real time to do cool stuff. Purpose Our purpose is to promote deeper thinking about consciousness, explore the boundaries between mind and reality through experiments, and help expand our technological horizon. We're not aiming to prove anything; this is a fun and interesting investigation into a subject that millions of people care about. But what we find may impact our society by giving us a better understanding of what it means to say "we're all connected." ( join the app waitlist here: )