THE BOOK OF SATOSHI: BITCOIN HAS CHANGED EVERYTHING JUNE 16, 2014 / JEFF BERWICK / 0 COMMENTS [Editor's Note: The following is the foreword written by Jeff Berwick to the just released book, “The Book of Satoshi” ] BITCOIN HAS CHANGED EVERYTHING. Its importance as an evolution in money and banking cannot be overstated. Notice I don’t use the word “revolution” here because I consider Bitcoin to be a complete “evolution” from the anachronistic money and banking systems that humanity has been using—and been forced by government dictate to use—for at least the last hundred years. One of the biggest issues that newcomers to bitcoin have is that it is “shrouded in mystery”. This is not totally true, as this important book shows. While the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto may never be known for certain— despite those like Dorian Nakamoto, whom the mainstream media say is Satoshi—what we do know, in very prolific and historical detail, are the underpinnings and design of bitcoin from its earliest days. Very detailed conversations were held between top cryptographic and programming experts since the very first day bitcoin was introduced… a day that may go down in history and possibly be celebrated by generations to come. November 1, 2008. The first words posted by Satoshi Nakamoto were eloquent in their simplicity as he announced his creation, which would go on to change the world, “I’ve been working on a new electronic cash system that’s fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party.” He then put a link to a white paper he had written on the subject. The rest, as they say, is history.