#Region Service Attributes #StartAtBoot: False #End Region Sub Process_Globals 'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts. 'These variables can be accessed from all modules. 'Declaration of constants 'Declaration of variabels Private mWindow As RSStandOutWindow Private mConstants As RSStandOutConstants Private mFlags As RSStandOutFlags End Sub Sub Service_Create End Sub Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent) mWindow.Initialize("Window") Main.StandOut.Show(mWindow.UniqueId) End Sub Sub Service_Destroy End Sub ' ! --------------- ! - EVENTS - ! --------------- ! 'Do NOT call the events below. 'The methods below are called from the library and returns info back to it. Sub Window_Initialize (Id As Int, Window As RSStandOutWindow) As RSStandOutLayoutParams Dim params As RSStandOutLayoutParams params.Initialize4(Id, 400, 300, mConstants.AUTO_POSITION, mConstants.AUTO_POSITION, 100, 100) Return params End Sub 'Create a panel and add it to the frame. Sub Window_CreateAndAttachView (Id As Int, Frame As RSFrameLayout) As Panel Dim Content As Panel Content.Initialize("Content") Frame.AddView(Content, 400, 300) Dim btn As Button btn.Initialize("Button") btn.Text = "Test" Content.AddView(btn, 0dip, 0dip, Frame.Width, 48dip) Return Content End Sub 'Returns the name of the Window. Sub Window_AppName As String Return "RSStandOut Example" End Sub 'Returns the icon of the window. Sub Window_AppIcon As String Return "icon" End Sub 'Return a list of flags Sub Window_Flags (Id As Int) As List Dim flags As List flags.Initialize flags.Add(mFlags.FLAG_DECORATION_SYSTEM) flags.Add(mFlags.FLAG_BODY_MOVE_ENABLE) flags.Add(mFlags.FLAG_WINDOW_HIDE_ENABLE) flags.Add(mFlags.FLAG_WINDOW_BRING_TO_FRONT_ON_TAP) flags.Add(mFlags.FLAG_WINDOW_EDGE_LIMITS_ENABLE) flags.Add(mFlags.FLAG_WINDOW_PINCH_RESIZE_ENABLE) Return flags End Sub Sub Window_PersistentNotificationTitle(Id As Int) As String Return "RSStandOut Example Running" End Sub Sub Window_PersistentNotificationMessage(Id As Int) As String Return "Click to add a new RSStandOut example" End Sub Sub Window_PersistentNotificationIntent(Id As Int) As Intent Return Main.StandOut.getShowIntent(mWindow.UniqueId) End Sub Sub Window_HiddenIcon As String Return "icon" End Sub Sub Window_HiddenNotificationTitle(Id As Int) As String Return "RSStandOut Example Hidden" End Sub Sub Window_HiddenNotificationMessage(Id As Int) As String Return "Click to restore # " & Id End Sub Sub Window_HiddenNotificationIntent(Id As Int) As Intent Return Main.StandOut.getShowIntent(Id) End Sub 'Data = bundle (Use JavaObject) Sub Window_ReceiveData (Id As Int, RequestCode As Int, Data As Object, FromId As Int) Log("Data received from id: " & Id) End Sub