#!/usr/bin/env python from sys import argv, stderr, exit from getopt import GetoptError, getopt as GetOpt try: from scapy.all import * except Exception, e: print 'Failed to import scapy:',e exit(1) class WPSQuery: bssid = None essid = None pfile = None rprobe = False verbose = False probedNets = {} WPS_ID = "\x00\x50\xF2\x04" wps_attributes = { 0x104A : {'name' : 'Version ', 'type' : 'hex'}, 0x1044 : {'name' : 'WPS State ', 'type' : 'hex'}, 0x1057 : {'name' : 'AP Setup Locked ', 'type' : 'hex'}, 0x1041 : {'name' : 'Selected Registrar ', 'type' : 'hex'}, 0x1012 : {'name' : 'Device Password ID ', 'type' : 'hex'}, 0x1053 : {'name' : 'Selected Registrar Config Methods', 'type' : 'hex'}, 0x103B : {'name' : 'Response Type ', 'type' : 'hex'}, 0x1047 : {'name' : 'UUID-E ', 'type' : 'hex'}, 0x1021 : {'name' : 'Manufacturer ', 'type' : 'str'}, 0x1023 : {'name' : 'Model Name ', 'type' : 'str'}, 0x1024 : {'name' : 'Model Number ', 'type' : 'str'}, 0x1042 : {'name' : 'Serial Number ', 'type' : 'str'}, 0x1054 : {'name' : 'Primary Device Type ', 'type' : 'hex'}, 0x1011 : {'name' : 'Device Name ', 'type' : 'str'}, 0x1008 : {'name' : 'Config Methods ', 'type' : 'hex'}, 0x103C : {'name' : 'RF Bands ', 'type' : 'hex'}, 0x1045 : {'name' : 'SSID ', 'type' : 'str'}, 0x102D : {'name' : 'OS Version ', 'type' : 'str'} } def __init__(self,iface,pfile): if iface: conf.iface = iface if pfile: self.pfile = pfile def run(self): if self.verbose: if self.pfile: stderr.write("Reading packets from %s\n\n" % self.pfile) else: stderr.write("Listening on interface %s\n\n" % conf.iface) try: sniff(prn=self.pcap,offline=self.pfile) except Exception, e: print 'Caught exception while running sniff():',e #Handles captured packets def pcap(self,packet): if packet.haslayer(Dot11Beacon): self.beaconh(packet) elif packet.haslayer(Dot11ProbeResp): self.responseh(packet) #Beacon packet handler def beaconh(self,pkt): elt = None eltcount = 1 doprobe = False essid = None bssid = pkt[Dot11].addr3.upper() #If a specific BSSID and ESSID combination was supplied, skip everything else and just probe it if self.bssid and self.essid: self.probereq(self.essid,self.bssid) return #If we've already probed it, processing it's beacon frames won't do us any more good if self.probedNets.has_key(bssid): return #Is this the BSSID we're looking for? if self.bssid and self.bssid != bssid: return #Loop through all information elements while elt != pkt.lastlayer(Dot11Elt): elt = pkt.getlayer(Dot11Elt, nb=eltcount) eltcount += 1 #Get the SSID if elt.ID == 0: essid = elt.info #Skip if this is not the SSID we're looking for if self.essid and essid != self.essid: return #Check for a WPS information element else: doprobe = self.iswpselt(elt) if doprobe: if self.verbose: stderr.write("WPS support detected for %s (%s)\n" % (bssid,essid)) break #Should we actively probe this AP? if doprobe == True or self.rprobe == True: self.probereq(essid,bssid) return #Probe response packet handler def responseh(self,pkt): wpsdata = [] eltcount = 1 elt = None bssid = None essid = None bssid = pkt[Dot11].addr3.upper() #Is this the BSSID we're looking for? if self.bssid and self.bssid != bssid: return #Loop through all information elements while elt != pkt.lastlayer(Dot11Elt): elt = pkt.getlayer(Dot11Elt, nb=eltcount) eltcount += 1 #Get the SSID if elt.ID == 0: essid = elt.info #Don't probe a network multiple times if essid != None and self.probedNets.has_key(bssid) and self.probedNets[bssid] == essid: return #Skip if this is not the SSID we're looking for if self.essid and essid != self.essid: return if self.verbose: stderr.write("Received probe response from %s (%s)\n" % (bssid,essid)) elif self.iswpselt(elt): wpsdata = self.parsewpselt(elt) #Display WPS information if wpsdata: self.printwpsinfo(wpsdata,bssid,essid) elif self.verbose: stderr.write("No WPS element supplied by %s (%s)!\n" % (bssid,essid)) #Mark this BSSID as complete self.probedNets[bssid] = essid return #Display collected WPS data def printwpsinfo(self,wpsdata,bssid,essid): textlen = 33 filler = ' ' if wpsdata: print '' print 'BSSID:',bssid print 'ESSID:',essid print '----------------------------------------------------------' for (header,data,datatype) in wpsdata: if datatype != 'str': tdata = data data = '0x' for i in tdata: byte = str(hex(ord(i)))[2:] if len(byte) == 1: byte = '0' + byte data += byte header = header + (filler * (textlen-len(header))) print '%s : %s' % (header,data) print '' #Send a probe request to the specified AP def probereq(self,essid,bssid): if not essid or not bssid: return if self.probedNets.has_key(bssid): return if self.pfile: return if self.verbose: stderr.write("Probing network '%s (%s)'\n" % (bssid,essid)) try: #Build a probe request packet with a SSID and a WPS information element dst = mac2str(bssid) src = mac2str("ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff") packet = Dot11(addr1=dst,addr2=src,addr3=dst)/Dot11ProbeReq() packet = packet/Dot11Elt(ID=0,len=len(essid),info=essid)/Dot11Elt(ID=221,len=9,info="%s\x10\x4a\x00\x01\x10" % self.WPS_ID) #Send it! send(packet,verbose=0) self.probedNets[bssid] = None except Exception, e: print 'Failure sending probe request to',essid,':',e #Check if an element is a WPS element def iswpselt(self,elt): if elt.ID == 221: if elt.info.startswith(self.WPS_ID): return True return False #Parse a WPS element def parsewpselt(self,elt): data = [] tagname = None tagdata = None datatype = None tag = 0 tlen = 0 i = len(self.WPS_ID) try: if self.iswpselt(elt): while i < elt.len: #Get tag number and length tag = int((ord(elt.info[i]) * 0x100) + ord(elt.info[i+1])) i += 2 tlen = int((ord(elt.info[i]) * 0x100) + ord(elt.info[i+1])) i += 2 #Get the tag data tagdata = elt.info[i:i+tlen] i += tlen #Lookup the tag name and type try: tagname = self.wps_attributes[tag]['name'] datatype = self.wps_attributes[tag]['type'] except Exception, e: tagname = 'Unknown' datatype = 'hex' #Append to array data.append((tagname,tagdata,datatype)) except Exception,e: print 'Exception processing WPS element:',e return data def about(): print ''' WPScan actively scans access points that support WiFi Protected Setup by sending 802.11 probe requests to them. It then examines the WPS information element in the resulting 802.11 probe response and displays the information contained in that IE. This is useful for fingerprinting WPS-capable access points, as many of them will include their vendor, model number, and firmware versions in the WPS IE of the probe response. ''' exit(0) def usage(): print ''' Usage: %s [OPTIONS] -i Specify the interface to listen on -p Specify pcap file to read from -b Specify a bssid filter -e Specify an essid filter -n Probe all networks -v Enable verbose mode -a Show about information -h Show help ''' % argv[0] exit(1) def main(): bssid = None essid = None iface = None pfile = None probeall = False verbose = False try: opts,args = GetOpt(argv[1:],"b:e:i:p:ainvh"); except GetoptError, e: print 'Usage Error:',e usage() for opt,optarg in opts: if opt == '-b': bssid = optarg.upper() elif opt == '-e': essid = optarg elif opt == '-i': iface = optarg elif opt == '-p': pfile = optarg elif opt == '-v': verbose = True elif opt == '-n': probeall = True elif opt == '-a': about() else: usage() wps = WPSQuery(iface,pfile) wps.bssid = bssid wps.essid = essid wps.rprobe = probeall wps.verbose = verbose wps.run() if __name__ == "__main__": main()