Someone actually created some type of bio metric computer you can put your hand into an area in front of a screen and 'grab' items so to speak and interact with a computer in an almost 3 dimensional environment. Not that this video represents that, or that a motion detector is brand new technology. Was the advent of the LCD display the end of the computer? No it wasn't. This isn't either. Also, keep in mind you're watching a commercial from a glass manufacturer; obviously, their vision will revolve around glass without going into any other components or materials that may be necessary to enact their vision. ut without the computer medium and everything being straight up glass, I feel like that people won't be as exposed to the logic behind computing and programming. And that kind of logic is by far the most useful kind of logic in the universe. I believe we're not dealing with ideas at all and merely a company marketing their glass with gimmicks. I don't even know what's particularly nice about their glass, seemingly nothing because they needed to hide behind a futuristic concept video rather than tell us. Corning seems to be paving the way with damage resistant glass, flexible glass etc.