Unlock download links on my ecu ※ Download: http://prefacinim.on-dirty.ru/?dl&keyword=unlock+download+links+on+my+ecu&source=bitbin.it2 Then send us a message! This also includes modifying factory OS, VIN, Serial, VATs and various other configurations. A: Only our ELM cable is to be used with UME. PC Link gives the tuner the ability to design the ECU tuning software layout to suit their needs. It has so far been used to find the unlock code on over 500+ ECUs ranging between VT LS1's through to VE LS2 V8's and has retrieved the key every time. It depends on which tuning software you are using, and if the ECU has a custom OS. A Hptuners 2bar OS will not be responsible in EFILive. Whether its due to a bad flash, invalid operating system or failed update, we can recover it. UME finds the custom unlock key to allow reading and writing to the ECU. Please see the bottom of this page for more details about the HPTuners for lock. In the end I had to send ECU to SCT and they fixed it. This key is a password, without the password you cannot access the ECU in anyway. So if you take your tuned car to another performance shop, they will not be able to la any changes until your previous tuner has removed the custom lock on the ECU Sometimes your new car might have already had a tune, and so you dont know who the originally tuner was. Our phone support is completely free Like it should be. I know it sucks sincere. What is a Tuner Locked ECU? - Then send us a message! If you pulled the connector out, or turned the key off during programming, then the PCM is pretty much blank. Call SCT, and they can help you. Advantage is a buggy software suite, but I have been using it close to two years now with good results. Didnt it ask to return to stock? Any electrical work on the car? Had a friend that had some wiring that had a bad ground.... Dealer replaced XcalII But that didnt work. In the end I had to send ECU to SCT and they fixed it! Now I treat my handheld like a jewel. I know it sucks dude. We talked about this. I told you I would help you once it's fixed. Can you take it to the dealer and have them flash a program on it? It might cost you a little bit, but you would have it faster. Anyone know if he can take it to the dealer to have it flashed, meaning just the PCM or send it to flight systems? Cookie and Data Use Consent We use cookies to improve your experience on this website and so that ads you see online can be tailored to your online browsing interests. We use data about you for a number of purposes explained in the links below. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of data and cookies.