CHAPTER ONE- They say there is a thin line between sanity and just takes a little spark at the wrong place to cross to the other side.This was my line of thought as i sat butt Unclad on the cold cement floor with my hands and legs bound with strong ropes bought from all those hausa boys at swali market.the putrid smell of urine that emanated from the corner of the church made my uncomfortable but the people that put me here weren't concerned about my i had to shift from here to there with the little space i was provided but this men and women clad in white garments,holding little rods in their hands(with diff symbols on it) just wouldn't let me be.they danced and chanted in languages i could not understand,maybe they were speaking in tongues,but i doubt it. I managed to strain my neck to look at the three women sitting at the far side away from these group surrounding me.from the few glances i could steal,i saw that the older woman was crying,while one of the women tried to comfort her.the last one was staring at me,i could see the pity in her instantly recognised who this women where