21. When I dream, I dream of you. Maybe one day, dreams will come true. Because, I really love you. 22. I love my life because it’s you. 23. Thinking of you is easy, I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache that never goes away... 24. Nothing is fine, but when I’m with you everything is fine. 25. You’re the ping to my pong. 26. Love is like a baby, it needs to be treated gently. 27. A life without love is like a year without summer. 28. Love is like a rubber band you need to hold it from both the sides by two people. When one leaves it hurts. 29. Say it before you run out of time. Say it before it’s too late. Say what you’re feeling. Waiting is a mistake. 30. Girls want to find a superman but walk past Clark Kent every day.