Kindle paperwhite screen frozen => I'll let you know how it goes. Simply press the power button for at least 20 seconds. Hi guys, I wonder if anyone has experienced a similar issue and could offer an advice. Hope this helps you guys try googling repair a frozen kindle screen, or hold slider button for about 30 seconds and then while holding slider in on position push on home key for about about 20 seconds and a screen should come up where you can type in reset and it will change screen to recovery mode and then push r button and your kindle will start again, you do lose books but they are easy to replace back on kindle if you have them in a library on pc. This is from Michael's website. About a week ago, it kept freezing and going to the loading screen when I tried to read books. Change your battery If the screen is unresponsive, consider changing your battery. The charge indicator light will turn on after a few seconds. She explained that since I had rooted not true the device, they could only offer a discounted replacement, but not a warranty swap. This is a last resort measure, meant for Kindles experiencing large-scale glitches, continuously frozen screens, internal damage, etc. My Kindle screen and keys have been freezing. I bought it secondhand on Amazon. You should probably try what Harry said, but chances are it's bricked for now. Give the device a minute or two to reboot before checking it again. How to Unfreeze a Kindle - Everything is now working as it should, as a system, Thank you Ms. If it is not working then, there can be an internal error, so restart your device and charge it more than 40 per cent. So I have the Kindle Keyboard, and have had this one for just over a year its a replacement Amazon sent out after the original one I bought crashed and it was fine until this happened. About a week ago, it kept freezing and going to the loading screen when I tried to read books. I usually just let it do its thing, as thats what the internet recommended. Now, however, it wont reboot, or turn of. The screen is stuck at the library, and the only thing I can get to work is the light that tells me its charging. I don't have one of those Amazon covers, and I kindle paperwhite screen frozen done anything with it but read books. Or should I just go ahead and buy a paperwhite. Charging seems to give it enough juice to reset and then run for a day or so before it locks up and freezes again. Because it becomes responsive again once plugged in and charged for a bit I'm thinking it's a dead battery. I just fitted a replacement and it's getting a 3 hour charge as I type. I'll let you know how it goes. Anyways, it was completely unresponsive. So I pulled the whole thing apart and tried to figure out what was wrong, poked around for a few hours then gave up and put it back together. I can only conclude that the toss bumped the battery contacts out of place or messed the screen connector up. They are a little tricky to pull apart, but I'd recommend trying it before giving up.