function setBotParams() { params = { bet: 0.00000010, // SET TO YOUR INITIAL START BET AFTER PREROLL odds: 10, // winning chance type: 1, // high / low roll (1 = low, 0 = high) runs: 100000, // number of bets to make pad_bet: 0.00000000, // bet to make while pre-rolling prerolls: 15, // NUMBER OF LOSSES BEFORE STARTS BETTING on_loss_multi: 1.1134, // multiply bet on loss (after pre-rolling) (1.1134 = 11.34% on LOSS) stop_min: 0.00000000, // stop betting if number drops to/below this number stop_max: 0.02000000, // stop betting if number reaches this number all_in_save: false, // go all-in if bet is higher than balance high_low_swap: false, // invert roll each bet // -- don't edit below this point -- loss_count: 0, current_run: 0, current_bet: 0, current_run_loss: 0, capping_loss: false }; } var lastmessage = -20, autobet_speed = -200000, normalbet_speed = -20000, id = 0, timedCount, timer, lastYourBet = 0, lastAllBet = 0, lastBigBet = 0, autobet_halt, first_load = true, autobet_index = false, prev_balance = 0, bet_ids = []; function bet(bet, odds, type, callback) { $.ajax({ url: '/api/bet.php', type: 'post', data: { 'bet': bet, 'game': odds, 'type': type == 0 ? 1 : 0, 'client_seed': $('#client-seed').val() }, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { if (data.error) { autobet_halt = true; return; } var $seed = $('#client-seed'), seed = $seed.val(), $parent = $seed.parent(), i = seed.indexOf('-'), val; if (i == -1) { seed += '-0000'; i = seed.indexOf('-'); } val = (parseInt(seed.substr(i + 1)) + 1).toString(); while (val.length < 4) { val = '0' + val; } seed = seed.substr(0, i) + '-' + val; $seed.val(seed); $parent.find('.pretty-text').text(seed); $('#server-seed').text(data.next_server_seed); prev_balance = data.balance; $('#balance').val(data.balance); $('#balance-value').text(data.balance).stop(true, true).css({ color: data.result == "1" ? '#0f0' : '#f66' }).animate({ color: '#fff' }, 500); }, error: function (jqXHR) { autobet_halt = true; }, complete: function (jqXHR) { var data; try { data = $.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText); } catch (e) { data = false; } if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(data); } } }); } function auto_bet(params) { if (bot_enabled === true) { if (params.current_run === params.runs) { botoff(); alert("Bot stopped- completed " + params.runs + " runs"); } else { setTimeout(function () { var current_balance = parseFloat($('#balance-value').text()); if (current_balance === 0) { autobet_index = false; alert("Bot stopped- balance is zero") return; } else if (params.current_bet > current_balance) { if (params.all_in_save === true) { params.current_bet = current_balance; } else { botoff(); alert("Bot stopped- bet is higher than balance"); return; } } else if (current_balance < params.stop_min) { botoff(); alert("Bot stopped- balance below " + params.stop_min); return; } else if (current_balance === params.stop_min) { botoff(); alert("Bot stopped- balance below " + params.stop_min); return; } else if (current_balance > params.stop_max) { botoff(); alert("Bot stopped- balance reached " + params.stop_min); return; } else if (current_balance === params.stop_max) { botoff(); alert("Bot stopped- balance reached " + params.stop_min); return; } bet(params.current_bet, params.odds, params.type, function (data) { var i, a, j, curbet; if (data) { params.current_run++; autobet_index = params.current_run; if (data.result == 0) { if (params.capping_loss == true) { params.current_bet *= params.on_loss_multi; } else { if (params.current_run_loss == params.prerolls) { params.capping_loss = true; params.current_run_loss = 1; params.current_bet =; } else { params.current_run_loss += 1; } } params.loss_count += 1; } else { params.current_bet = 0; params.current_run_loss = 1; params.capping_loss = false; params.loss_count = 1; } curbet = params.current_bet.toString(); if (curbet.indexOf('e') > -1) { i = parseInt(curbet.substr(0, curbet.indexOf('e')).replace('.', '')); a = parseInt(curbet.substr(curbet.indexOf('e') + 2)); curbet = i.toString(); for (j = 1; j < a; j++) { curbet = '0' + curbet; } params.current_bet = '0.' + curbet; } params.current_bet = +('' + params.current_bet).substr(0, ('' +params.current_bet).indexOf('.') + 9); if (data.balance < data.current_bet) { return; } } if (params.current_run < 10000000) { if (params.high_low_swap === true) { if (params.type === 1) { params.type = 0; params.odds = 100 - params.odds } else { params.type = 1; params.odds = 100 - params.odds } } if(params.current_bet < params.pad_bet) params.current_bet = params.pad_bet; auto_bet(params); } else { setBotParams(); params.current_bet = params.pad_bet; autobet_index = false; auto_bet(params); return; } }) }, autobet_speed); } } console.clear(); console.clear(); console.log("Current loss streak: " +params.current_run_loss); } function addRows($table, rows, autobet_i) { var table_selector = $table.selector, td_tmpl = '' + td_tmpl + '' + data.bet_id + '' + (autobet_i ? ' (' + params.loss_count + ') (' + autobet_i + ')' : '') + '' + td_tmpl + '>' + data.username + '' + td_tmpl + '>' + data.elapsed + '' + td_tmpl+ '>' + + '' + td_tmpl + '>' + multiplier + '' + td_tmpl + '>' + + '' + td_tmpl+ '>' + data.roll + '' + td_tmpl + ' style="color: ' + (data.result == "1" ? 'green' : 'red') + '">' + value+ '' + ''; }); $tableod.prepend(trhtml); if (need_placeholder) { $tableod.find('tr:first').clone().addClass('placeholder').prependTo($tableod); top = -(count * 34) - 34; new_top = -34; } else { top = -(count * 34); new_top = 0; } $tableod.css('top', top); $tableod.find('tr:gt(30)').addClass('removing'); $table.replaceWith($tableod); $tableod.stop().animate({ 'top': new_top }); $tableod.find('tr.removing').animate({ opacity: 0 }, function () { $(this).remove(); }); // console.log($tableod.find('tr:first').is('.placeholder') ? 'Has Placeholder' : 'No Placeholder'); } function updateYourBets() { $.ajax({ url: '/api/get_bets.php', data: { id: parseInt($('#user-id').text()), count: '30', bet_id: lastYourBet }, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { if (!data || data.length === 0) return; lastYourBet = data[0].bet_id; addRows($('#table-1'), data); } }); } function updateBigBets(callback) { $.ajax({ url: '/api/get_bets.php', data: { value: '.5', count: '30', bet_id: lastBigBet }, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { if (!data || data.length === 0) return; lastBigBet = data[0].bet_id; addRows($('#table-3'), data); }, complete: function () { if (typeof callback == 'function') callback(); } }); } function updateAllBets(callback, first) { if (first) { $.ajax({ url: '/api/get_bets.php', data: { count: '30', bet_id: lastAllBet }, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { if (!data || data.length === 0) return; lastAllBet = data[0].bet_id; addRows($('#table-2'), data.reverse()); }, complete: callback }); return; } var did_one = false, checker = function () { if (did_one && typeof callback == 'function') callback(); did_one = true; }; $.ajax({ url: '/api/get_bets.php', data: { count: '30', bet_id: lastAllBet, value: '0.1' }, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { if (!data || data.length === 0) return; lastAllBet = data[0].bet_id; addRows($('#table-2'), data.reverse()); }, complete: checker }); $.ajax({ url: '/api/get_bets.php', data: { count: '1', bet_id: lastAllBet, less: '0.1' }, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { if (!data || data.length === 0) return; lastAllBet = data[0].bet_id; addRows($('#table-2'), data.reverse()); }, complete: checker }); } function updateBalance(checker) { $.ajax({ url: '/api/get_balance.php', dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { $('#balance').val(data.balance); $('#balance-value').text(data.balance); }, complete: checker }); } function update(callback) { var did_count = 0, checked = function () { did_count++; if (did_count == 4 && typeof callback == 'function') callback(); } updateStats(checked); updateAllBets(checked, first_load); updateBigBets(checked); updateBalance(checked); first_load = false; } function updateStats(checked) { $.ajax({ url: '/api/stats.php', type: 'get', dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { $('#stats-wagered').text(data.wagered); $('#stats-bets').text(data.bets); $('#stats-bank').text(; }, complete: checked }) } function botoff() { bot_enabled = false; } setBotParams(); params.current_bet = params.pad_bet; autobet_halt = false; bot_enabled = true; autobet_index = 0; auto_bet(params);