Domestic charges pressed against former WWE Superstar Adam Rose, who was recently released from the promotion as a result of the incidents combined with some other issues, have reportedly been dropped. Rose’s lawyer issued the following statement to celebrity-gossip website regarding the charges against Rose being dropped: “The charges were dropped in this case because, as both he and his wife have maintained from the beginning, Mr. Leppan was absolutely innocent. Mr. Leppan did not, nor would he ever hurt his wife or anyone else. “Suspicion of domestic violence is a very serious matter, as it should be. Responding officers sometimes, even if unsure of what happened, make an arrest just to be on the safe side. That is what happened here; and after a careful look at totality of circumstances, the justice system came to the correct conclusion. “Mr. and Mrs. Leppan both continue to be madly in love. And while no relationship is ever perfect, they are relieved that this very public personal experience is over.”