Never tell your password to anyone. April-01-13 Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: lbk and rj are both active outside with other members Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: but even so Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: Admins do not make people attend the forum, will not punish people for their personal use of time. √-1.evO: Alright, I understand. √-1.evO: Thanks for your time. Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: Ideally people would be active Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: but it's not an ideal world Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: we'll try and review something about it later on but right now Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: It's far more important to get the group to grow and develop Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: a few people not posting on the forums is trivial compared to the other things we should be focusing on √-1.evO: Alright. Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: I can understand that it must suck since you got rejected, seeing people who are less active √-1.evO: I wasn't expecting otherwise Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: but as I say, there are bigger fish for the community to fry Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: and tbh people take breaks from games all the time Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: it's really not very long since they registered to start with, and people will ALWAYS be taking breaks after being accepted, maybe yourself included √-1.evO: but will I be accepted? √-1.evO: I don't plan on applying again in the near future. Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: Don't worry about applying, worry about getting to the best that you can be, then apply in future Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: You've got a lot to learn, but that isn't a bad thing √-1.evO: In all honesty, I feel like I don't have alot to learn, but rather, a lot to improve on... Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: You need to focus more on taking a step back and thinking about the gameflow and what your aims are Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: pretty often you went somewhere aimlessly, and died in a pointless way Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: you did show capability for some pretty creative stuff Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: but it was on the fly, not as part of a strategy √-1.evO: That happens to be my style... probably because I'm Korean by birth... All Koreans go with the flow... Glorgathon, Mutilator of Worlds: crap excuse :P √-1.evO: It's true. √-1.evO: That's why I've been trying to use the CnD effectively for like forever √-1.evO: You've never been to Korea. √-1.evO: Subway stations during rush hour is an absolute nightmare