course pursued that God has reproved and condemned, I am in grief and distress, whether the special sins have been shown me or the sins of another who has neglected similar duties. I know whereof I speak, I feel deeply over the matter. I say, then, for Christ’s sake make haste to come on the right ground, and harness up for the battle.—Letter 52, 1886. Testimony Counsel Based on Many Visions—God has given me a testimony of reproof for parents who treat their children as you do your little one.—Letter 1, 1877. [54] This matter has been brought before my mind in other cases where individuals have claimed to have messages for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, of a similar character, and the word has been given me, “Believe them not.”—Letter 16, 1893. (Quoted in Selected Messages 2:63, 64.) Bearing Testimony Unexpectedly—Sabbath morning early, I went into meeting and the Lord gave me a testimony directly to them, all unexpected to me. I poured it out upon them, showing them that the Lord sent his ministers with a message and the message they brought was the very means God had ordained to reach them, but they felt at liberty to pick it in pieces and make of none effect the Word of God.... I can tell you there was great astonishment and marveling that I dared to speak to them thus.—Letter 19, 1884. Bearing Reproofs an Unpleasant Task for Ellen White—Were I to go to the [General] Conference [session], I should be compelled to take positions that would cut some to the quick. It greatly hurts me to do this, and it is a long time before I recover from the strain that such an experience brings on me.—Letter 17, 1903. Work Made Sure by Both Oral and Written Messages—The messages that God has given me have been communicated to his people both by word of mouth and in printed form. Thus my work has been made doubly sure. I am instructed that the Lord, by his infinite power, has preserved the right hand of his messenger for more than half a century, in order that the truth may be written out as he bids me write it for publication in periodicals and books.—Letter 136, 1906. 38 Selected Messages Book 3 Whether Past or Future She Could Not Say—I have been urged by the Spirit of the Lord to fully warn our people in regard to the undue familiarity of married men with women, and women with men. This lovesick sentimentalism existed in the [city] mission at _____ before you were connected with it. I was shown you with others manifesting the same; whether this was in the [55] past or the future I cannot say, for often things are presented to me long before the circumstances take place.—Letter 17, 1891. Shown as If Work Was Done—I have been thinking of how, after we began sanitarium work in Battle Creek, sanitarium buildings all ready for occupation were shown to me in vision. The Lord instructed me as to the way in which the work in these buildings should be conducted in order for it to exert a saving influence on the patients. All this seemed very real to me, but when I awoke I found that the work was yet to be done, that there were no buildings erected. Another time I was shown a large building going up on the site on which the Battle Creek Sanitarium was afterward erected. The brethren were in great perplexity as to who should take charge of the work. I wept sorely. One of authority stood up among us, and said, “Not yet. You are not ready to invest means in that building, or to plan for its future management.” At this time the foundation of the sanitarium had been laid. But we needed to learn the lesson of waiting.—Letter 135, 1903. Paul Shown in Advance Dangers That Would Arise—Paul was an inspired apostle, yet the Lord did not reveal to him at all times just the condition of his people. Those who were interested in the prosperity of the church, and saw evils creeping in, presented the matter before him, and from the light which he had previously received he was prepared to judge of the true character of these developments. Because the Lord had not given him a new revelation for that special time, those who were really seeking light did not cast his message aside as only a common letter. No, indeed. The Lord had shown him the difficulties and dangers which would arise in the churches, that when they should develop he might know just how to treat them.—Testimonies for the Church 5:65. Ellen White Could Now Speak—This morning I [56] attended a meeting where a select few were called together to consider some questions that were presented to them by a letter soliciting consideration and advice on these subjects. Of some of these subjects I could speak, because at sundry times and in divers places many things have been presented to me.... As my brethren read the selections from letters, I knew what to say to them; for this matter has been presented to me again and again in regard to the southern field. I have not felt at liberty to write out the matter until now.... The light that the Lord has given me at different times has been that the southern field, where the greatest share of the population of the colored race is, cannot be worked after the same methods as other fields.—Letter 73, 1895. (Published in The Southern Work, 72.) Presenting the Divinely Revealed Message 39 When the Time Is Fully Come—I must not write more now, although there is much more that I shall write when I know that the time has fully come.—Letter 124, 1902. Deferred for a Year—The Lord did help and bless me in a signal manner during the conference in Melbourne. I labored, before I entered it, very hard, giving personal testimonies which I had written out one year before, but could not feel clear to send them. I thought of the words of Christ, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now” (John 16:12). When I enclosed the communication all ready to mail, it seemed that a voice spoke to me saying, “Not yet, not yet, they will not receive your testimony.”—Letter 39, 1893. Visions Not Always First Understood—On one occasion when we were talking together about your experience in your work, you asked me, “Have you told me all?” I could not say more at that time. Often representations are given me which at first I do not understand, but after a time they are made plain by a repeated presentation of those things that I did not at first comprehend, and in ways that make their meaning clear and unmistakable.—Letter 329, 1904. [57] What I Wrote Seemed New—In the night I am aroused from my sleep, and I write in my diary many things that appear as new to me when read, as to any who hear them. If I did not see the matter in my own handwriting I should not think my pen had traced it.—Letter 118, 1898. Former Writings Timely—I have a large amount of precious matter, written at