LAB REPORT Lab Setup: 1) Ball 2) Ruler 3) iPad with app “Video Physics” 4) Flat surface Procedure: 1) Grab a ball and a ruler 2) Find an area to throw the ball 3) Grab an iPad with the app “Video Physics” 4) Place the ruler beside one of the participant’s feet 5) Throw the ball while recording it on the app “Video Physics” Theory: Gravity: VF=-6.9M/S VI=3.75M/S T=3.81-2.86= 0.95 SECONDS VF=VI+AT A=VF-VI/T A=-6.9M/S-3.75M/S/0.95 SECONDS A=-10.8473M/S^2 Equation of X vs T: Slope of graph = 4.8-.03/0.95=4.7368 X Intercept = -.2925 X= 4.7368T+2.925 Sources of error: Percent Error= GEXP-GACC/GACC x 100%= 10.8473M/S^2-(9.80M/S^2)/ 9.80M/S^2 x 100%= 10.68673% We did not take into several things in our report such as we did not account for the wind that was affecting the air resistance. We also used a recorded the video through, which meant that the video could not be stabilized and had some minor shaking that would’ve affected the dots. We could’ve used a tripod in order to help us with the video stabilization. We also didn’t use a flat surface, as the surface was slightly slanted. This meant that we didn’t calculate difference in height and had to assume that the two people were throwing the ball on equal heights. We should’ve used a flat surface to make the heights more accurate.