If you're interested, please click my referral link http://btcclicks.com/?r=e396551d when you register. As a premium member with "rented referrals" I gain about 2.5x the amount a normal user gains when he/she registers. I need 5 referrals that will register this way which will increase the amount I gain up to 3.5x the normal BTC amount paid per. ad I view. So that everything is fair, I will donate 50% of the increased amount for each day to each of the referrals, but please be sure to email me your address to jonasjonassona@gmail.com as soon as you've registered with me as your referral so I can verify your registration and donate this "splitted-increament" to each of you. If you click and view all the 22 daily ads, you can expect a daily BTC amount of about 0.0001 - which you can then either choose to withdraw or to upgrade your account for even more BTC's for each ad as I have done. If you're willing to participate, please register at this page through: http://btcclicks.com/?r=e396551d And remember that the more ads (total 22 available per. day) you click, the more you earn - and please also remember to send me your address so that I can donate those 50% of the increased amount I get per. click on each ad to my referrer.