To all whom it may concern, I am coming here and simply telling a, supposed, story? You could say at the least this is merit and plethoric catalog of information. Savaged (Steven Wynhoff), a decently afamed individual on Twitter, and in the "Call of Duty" Community, is a self-proclaimed "hacker". He consistently claims, by nonchalance, to be this astounding, aspiring, and prestigious "hacker" online. It also turns out, that by the many, many uninformed fools of this well, grandoisely pleb-community fail to acknowledge his unvanquishable hunger for e-fame, which might just be his social call to arms, as he can't secure a single fucking friend outside of the internet. This just so happens to be a symptom of Sociopathy. For those of you who lack the accustomed knowledge to know what a Sociopathic Disorder is, allow me to inform you. A sociopathic individual expresses traits and actions in which show no regard to other people. This shows up mainly in intervals in which people have but are not limited to: crime, depression, or attention seeking disorders. I'd like claim that he falls under the sad welp of a person whom seeks attention. A few distinct symptoms and tell-tale signs of Sociopathy are but are limited to him, to the following: - Antisocial behavior in crowds of new or unaccustomed peoples - Glibness and Superficial Charm (the trait in which people hide their personality on the surface) - An exuberance in the sense of self sufficiency, this is quite grandoise - Pathological Lying - Lack of remorse of actions, nor shame or guilt - Incapacity for love - Constant need of stimulation (constant need to do something) - Lack of empathetic feeling - Impulsive - Irresponsibility - Unreliability - Versatile criminal acts - Paranoia I can personally attest to Steven being extremely paranoid. He constantly affirmed his thoughts to me always attempting to fuck him over, or do something of the likes of "manipulating him" or "fucking him over". To which, I could easily have done, and will not deny these actions. He is a snake and untrustworthy nor reliable. This is a symptom, remember? Steven also has a record of severe pathalogical lying to many peoples' faces and even to me. Steven also showed during timeless occasions that he had a "self right" to information, and his actions. Last time I checked, that was a symptom as well. I could easily continue on with proving his disorder but I will reflect and refute some things next. Savaged thinks of himself as a quite prestigious, and actually, skilled member of this community. However, to refute this, I have come with these following axioms. - Upon research on Google and a parsing program, the keywords "Savaged" and "hacker" only date back to the end of 2012. If anyone here knows the alloted time to access skills and become matched in this linguistical community, it would be the people that have been here for the longest. - Savaged began in a Call of Duty "snipers" team and worked his way into this vast majority of fuck-heads and incompetent fools. He began with Distributed DoS attacks and "Hacking" YouTube accounts. Then again, we all may have started with Xbox and old Call ins, however this was years ago. - I can postulate sufficiently that me myself had not once heard of "Savaged" until the second quadrant of 2013. Not to mention the way I met him was him threatening me with his "friends" (in which he added me to a chat with Boil, some random children, and Anonymous flaggorts. They all had usernames in which reflected newfags and even had the notorious "." Where are all of these individuals now? Oh yeah, I believe 90% of them were destroyed. - I simply ignored this querulous, anti pedantic child and his friends. He was of no offense nor threat to me or my group of friends. Over the time however, this fool continued to run his ignominious mouth and run rampant on CoD's servers and twitter. To which in point he finally was doxed. Let's not forget however, even after Steven was doxed, he didn't leave. Oh no. He continued to run his shit-overloading of a mouth to the point I can recall Dictate of Vv3, asking me to create that infamous photoshop of his elongated neck (probably used for the professional deepthroating of hackers he dickrides) into an apple. This picture was used by approximately twenty people as an avatar. It was of the funniest nights I can recall, to be exact. After Jock was pwned, (of which was a friend of Savaged), he slowly started losing people to satisfy his incognisant lack of friends. He continued to permeate ignorance and utter moron-comments on twitter. Long after this, during a period in which I was not aware of, I returned to see that he is flaming; more than ever as well. It seemed to me that he had attempted to make some friends. Oblivious to this however, all of these "friends" were not even his friends at all. I can recall them telling me along with a few others that he is absolutely not trustworthy. This was not to par to what he said. He listed names in which are vast names, people of a singularity. Well respected people that indeed I know and speak to. None of them recall who the fuck he is and said he was not even trustworthy. Wow, this is getting long, Steven. Savaged continues to be abused and picked with on twitter, however he obviously lacks the well needed digits on his intelligence quotient to realize it. He takes credit for actions in which he had in reality no affiliation to. Let us analyze Steven's known skill set: - Hijacking of YouTube and Gmail accounts. | Wow, this is sooo impressive. Where are my notes? - Hijacking of Skype accounts. | Here are my three contacts, mamn' ! - Simple DoS | What's my Server's IP? Shit, what's your QB login? - Social Engineering | Just kidding, he can't call in nor manipualte shit. Nor can he code, nor does he know basic functionality of a simple OS as vast as Windows. I'm surprised he hasn't deleted System-32 looking for an XBL MSP Generator! Let us now analyze his education and basic intelligence: Here are some following quotes from Savaged, showing no regard to easy grammar nor vocabulary: There are also references to me in general. [10/16/2013 4:21:59 PM] Savaged: You seem so smart not being a faggot but you should use that to good instead of doxing leets on the net and posting information on shit that does nothing but make people quit on one alias/switch to another [10/16/2013 4:23:20 PM] Savaged: I know you don't like me, I don't know why I bare talk to you still. You're like a drug I can't explain it. Here is his pathalogical lying [10/16/2013 4:33:11 PM] trace: Oh, speaking of which [10/16/2013 4:33:15 PM] trace: [10/16/2013 4:33:20 PM] trace: You were kidding about that right? [10/16/2013 4:33:37 PM] Savaged: Was I? [10/16/2013 4:33:44 PM] trace: I hope so. [10/16/2013 4:33:50 PM] trace: Because if you weren't. [10/16/2013 4:33:53 PM] trace: You lied [10/16/2013 4:33:57 PM] Savaged: That's a weird coincidence. [10/16/2013 4:34:03 PM] Savaged: Lied about? [10/16/2013 4:34:11 PM] trace: Stop [10/16/2013 4:34:15 PM] trace: You're not good at tricking me. [10/16/2013 4:34:19 PM] trace: You look foolish. [10/16/2013 4:34:20 PM] Savaged: Let's move on-- [10/16/2013 4:38:51 PM] Savaged: i usually dont associate with people on xbox [10/16/2013 4:39:12 PM] Savaged cuz my vpn doesnt work when i connect to xbl [10/16/2013 4:39:14 PM] Savaged: so [10/16/2013 10:09:26 PM] Savaged: I already told him I was trolling you, I know how manipulating you are. :* [10/16/2013 10:16:36 PM] Savaged: I gave Vypor your Skype. [10/14/2013 6:23:41 PM] Savaged: someone contacted me and told me to switch isp's cuz im getting fcked with [10/14/2013 6:23:49 PM] Savaged: someone [10/14/2013 6:51:22 PM] Savaged: Dude do you know who this is lmao dude i am gonna have to dickride my way outta this one [10/15/2013 6:55:15 PM] Savaged: Wait did you know he was Thought before I told you? o.O [10/15/2013 6:55:46 PM] trace: Wait are you seriously nonchalantly telling me he sent you my message? [10/15/2013 6:55:59 PM] Savaged: What? [10/15/2013 6:56:15 PM] trace: Stop playing stupid I know he said that. [10/15/2013 6:56:23 PM] Savaged: Dude you are so smart [10/15/2013 6:56:31 PM] Savaged: Like always one step ahead it amazes me [10/15/2013 6:56:31 PM] Savaged: Lmao [10/15/2013 6:56:33 PM] Savaged: kms [10/15/2013 6:56:43 PM] trace: Good idea if you keep pullin that shit with me. [10/15/2013 6:56:52 PM] Savaged: ikikikik [10/15/2013 6:57:06 PM] Savaged: dude I am just trying to NOT get int he middle of this shit okay? [10/15/2013 6:57:28 PM] Savaged: You bring me into shit like that --- I didn't know you were Thought until Savaged told me [10/15/2013 6:57:29 PM] Savaged: You're manipulating [10/15/2013 6:57:35 PM] Savaged: And you know it [10/15/2013 6:57:42 PM] trace: That is what i do He's claiming the dox on me. **Don't fuck wit me nig Zoo Fear! [10/16/2013 1:26:43 AM] trace: dude [10/16/2013 1:26:44 AM] Savaged: HAHA [10/16/2013 1:26:44 AM] trace: i know [10/16/2013 1:26:46 AM] trace: fuck off. [10/16/2013 1:26:54 AM] trace: i've established your ignorance [10/16/2013 1:26:55 AM] Savaged: Just saying I know you're trying to fuck with me [10/16/2013 1:26:58 AM] trace: matt doxed me, [10/16/2013 1:27:00 AM] trace: not you. [10/16/2013 1:27:02 AM] Savaged: I can fuck with you to [10/16/2013 1:27:05 AM] trace: Oh no? [10/16/2013 1:27:11 AM] trace: I'm not fucking with you, you inbreed. [10/16/2013 1:27:17 AM] Savaged: why so hostile? [10/16/2013 1:27:20 AM] trace: If only you had the slightest sliver of intelligence. [10/16/2013 1:27:35 AM] trace: Because this is the third time now, that you've accused me of "fucking with you" [10/16/2013 1:27:40 AM] trace: And i'm on the verge of doing it. [10/16/2013 1:27:57 AM] trace: Also, if you think you're so high and mighty, go right ahead and fuck with 'me'. [10/16/2013 1:28:23 AM] Savaged: Nahh dude just that little thing you said up there [10/16/2013 1:28:26 AM] trace: I have no problem with you, as I've said many times now. I've contradicted 2 of your lies now, and found faults in many claims you've conjectured in my way. [10/16/2013 1:28:38 AM] Savaged: Okay god damn sorry goodnight [10/16/2013 1:28:41 AM] Savaged: Lol [10/16/2013 1:28:47 AM] Savaged: I am just sketchy [10/16/2013 1:28:49 AM] trace: In my wake however, you do not scare me. You're the slightest of a petulant child on my contact list. [10/16/2013 1:28:53 AM] trace: You're a tinfoil fag. [10/16/2013 1:28:58 AM] trace: Stop being so paranoid. [10/16/2013 1:29:19 AM] trace: so unless you want me to school you some more. [10/16/2013 1:29:25 AM] Savaged: lmao [10/16/2013 1:29:29 AM] Savaged: whatever dude [10/16/2013 1:29:31 AM] trace: I'd suggest you *think* about what you say to me. [10/16/2013 1:29:36 AM] trace: I process EVERYTHING you say. [10/16/2013 1:29:37 AM] trace: And log it. [10/16/2013 1:29:42 AM] trace: So stop "fucking with me". Here are some of his "friends" referring to him. [5:35:01 PM] Trace: What's your overall opinion on Savaged? [5:35:37 PM] chF: he kinda reminds me of a smelly butthole [5:35:45 PM] chF: if it was not so smelly i would fuck it gladly [5:35:48 PM] chF: but it's smelly so no [5:36:09 PM] Trace: Would you say that he has any inclined intellect to real hacking or manipulation, or is he a tool? Serious answer please. [5:36:35 PM] chF: uh [5:36:37 PM] chF: he cant [5:36:37 PM] chF: really [5:36:40 PM] chF: do anything [5:36:43 PM] chF: unless you spoonfeed him [5:36:44 PM] Trace: Thanks! [10/17/2013 3:09:49 PM] Trace: I do wanna ask you if you trust savaged? [10/17/2013 3:10:09 PM] Lucifer: not really [10/17/2013 3:10:10 PM] Lucifer: but [10/17/2013 3:10:14 PM] Trace: He is tinfoil as fuck with me [10/17/2013 3:10:29 PM] Lucifer: as for atrix [10/17/2013 3:10:30 PM] Lucifer: i haven't seen him [10/17/2013 3:10:31 PM] Lucifer: in ages [10/17/2013 3:10:35 PM] Trace: He always tries to contradict what I say and pass nonchalant threats to me, when He knows I'm always one step ahead. [10/17/2013 3:10:37 PM] Lucifer: savaged just thinks everyones gonna fuck with him [10/17/2013 3:10:41 PM] Trace: exactly. [5:35:11 PM] Trace: What's your overall opinion on Savaged?" [5:36:07 PM] James: GAY [5:36:08 PM] James: snitch [5:36:11 PM] James: faggot [5:36:13 PM] James: fanboy [5:36:14 PM] James: but licker [5:36:24 PM] Trace: Thanks for your plethoic contributation to my rant. == There's over 10 more from Sequel, Navajo, Konroi, Convict, Taylor, Welfare's quotes, and many more Such great friends Savaged, also don't attempt to contradict or fight these claims. Those "friends" you have on Twitter really do not mean a thing. Just because people favorite your shit does not directly alert of friendship. To be honest, I liked your shit because it was just so fucking retarded. It makes me think to as how I've not developed Cerebral Palsy. How are you still breathing? Conclusion ---------- In all reality, virtual and physical, realm and universal, we can conclude that Steven here is an utter, complete, ignorant child. He has no vivid realization to the power of others and he constantly attempts to convince himself that he is a "hacker". However in actuality, Steven, you're not. You're nothing. You're a lame ass "Skid" shall I say? I haven't ever seen you do one impressive thing. Not one. Nada. You constantly attempt to fuck with others, and then when you're called out, you claim that you were "trolling". No, you're fucking serious. You're trying so hard to be a hardass over the internet I can see your forehead vein popping out. It's honestly ridiculous. I'd think for your age that you'd be more mature. A seven year old little boy is more intimidating than you. I've come to the conclusion that you are as diagnosed as a Sociopath. You lie, you have no regard for others, you insinuate paranoid thoughts, you are two faced, and you are a superficial, antipedantic, plebanic, petulant, ignorant, pseudorampant, retarded, child. All of this information is IRREFUTABLE. You can't possible attempt to reciprocate to this. I have outsmarted you numerous times on NUMEROUS occasions. You are of the lowest tier of faggot. You're a gigafaggot. Actually not even that, you're more worthless than a fucking aborted fetus. Donnie Dixon would have granted his blessing for your abortion. You're a controversal subject. That's it. I hope you're having fun with your Facade of a life. I wont even post your dox up. It's all over the internet. I can see that you attempt to remove more and more each and every day. But you're forgetting that this is the internet. Nothing is deleted. You must make your parents proud, Steven. Aufwiedersehen. ~t \\@arcanicism mirror: