// Big thanks to Crashz for finding all these useful commands! // YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV6jroExO1hsAsM46F2kZ9A // Below are commands that can be used in-game. sv_cheats 1 has to be enabled. // If you want more commands, you can find them in Valve Hammer from the SDK manually. // Note: These commands are powerful and can crash the game, just restart if that happens. ent_create //Spawn entities with your crosshair location. chicken //Example Usage: "ent_create chicken" //Spawn a chicken env_explosion //Example Usage: "ent_create env_explosion; ent_fire env_explosion Explode" //Starts an explosion env_fire //Example Usage: "ent_fire env_fire StartFire" //Starts fire of all env_fire entities. "ent_fire env_fire Extinguish 1" //Extinguishes fire of all env_fire entities. env_smoketrail //Example Usage: "ent_create env_smoketrail" //Creates smoke "ent_fire env_smoketrail kill" //Removes the smoke env_spark //Example Usage: "ent_create env_spark; ent_fire env_spark StartSpark" //Creates sparks "ent_fire env_spark kill" //Removes sparks env_splash //Example Usage: "ent_create env_splash; ent_fire env_splash Splash; ent_fire env_splash kill" //Creates a water splash effect and removes it right after flashbang_projectile //Example Usage: "ent_create flashbang_projectile" //Drops a flashbang hegrenade_projectile //Example Usage: "ent_create hegrenade_projectile; ent_fire hegrenade_projectile InitializeSpawnFromWorld" //Drops a HE hostage_entity //Example Usage: "ent_create hostage_entity" //Spawns a hostage planted_c4_training //Example Usage: "ent_create planted_c4_training; ent_fire planted_c4_training ActivateSetTimerLength 12" //Spawn a bomb that detonates after 12 seconds. weapon_x //Example Usage: "weapon_deagle" "weapon_ak47" ent_fire //This command is made to trigger and change entities that are already absent in the game and round. addoutput "modelscale X" //Example Usage: ent_fire chicken addoutput "modelscale 10" //This will make the chickens look 10x larger. ent_fire weapon_deagle addoutput "modelscale 50" //This will make the deagle look 50x larger. ent_fire !self addoutput "modelscale 0.5" //Make yourself 0.5x smaller. ent_fire !picker addoutput "modelscale 0.5" //Make the entity you are looking at (for example, another player) 0.5x smaller. "rendermode X" //Example Usage: ent_fire !self addoutput "rendermode 6" //You become invisible ent_fire !self addoutput "rendermode 0" //You become visible ent_fire chicken addoutput "rendermode 6" //Chickens are invisible ent_fire weapon_ak47 addoutput "rendermode 6" //AK47 is invisible "maxhealth X" //Example Usage: ent_fire !self addoutput "max_health 2000"; ent_fire !self sethealth 1337 //This will set your maximum HP to 2000 and your current HP to 1337. ent_fire !picker addoutput "max_health 2000"; ent_fire !self sethealth 1337 //Same thing but for the entity you are looking at (for example, another player). "modelindex" //Turn whatever Entity you want into a different model, world player models will not work (for example guns), chickens will. //How to use: 1. Type sv_precacheinfo 2. Write down the reference number of the model you want to use. 3. Chicken for example could be number 185. //Example Usage: ent_fire !self addoutput "modelindex 185" //You turn into a chicken. ent_fire !picker addoutput "modelindex 185" //Make the entity you are looking at turn into a chicken. "gravity X" //Example Usage: ent_fire !self addoutput "gravity 0.5" //Makes yourself have 50% of your original gravity. ent_fire chicken addoutput "gravity 0.2" //Makes the chickens have 20% of their original gravity. color //Example Usage: ent_fire !self color 0 0 0 //Become black ent_fire chicken color 255 0 255 //Change chicken to red ent_fire !picker color 255 255 255 //Make the entity you are looking at (for example, another player) white. //How to strap a banana on your grenade holder. prop_physics_create props/cs_italy/bananna.mdl; ent_fire !picker addoutput "CollisionGroup 2"; ent_fire !picker setparent !activator; ent_fire !picker setparentattachment grenade0